Successful home based business owners have something in common with all other business owners, online and off. All have the ability to be able to communicate well.

Effective communications are the key to building rapport and growing successful relationships with prospects and clients, because you need to nurture introductory questions, business start up and development, and long term growth. So here are some tips to help you develop your own effective communication skills.

• Listen carefully to what your speaker is saying. Don’t try to think ahead and prepare your reply. Focus, listen and learn. Ask questions, if you need to, before you reply. Get the facts clear first.

• Keep the conversation tuned to today, not on older programs, past home based trial and errors, etc. Discuss with a clean slate. Continue by keeping things in a positive tone.

• Watch that you don’t use any unkind remarks, slander, racist or other negative types of comments – even in jest. And don’t be afraid to stand up for this, too, especially in the event that others are using abusive language.

• Don’t interrupt or put up defenses while someone is talking. Hear the person out and then respond. Remain polite and don’t give rude replies, even if your opinion differs. In fact, try to find commonalities and a place to reach mutual agreement.

• Keep a lid on anger. If you need help with this, read anger management articles or seek help from a local councelor or minister.

• Avoid the words ‘always’ and ‘never’ in the heat of discussions or arguments. Those phrases get tossed around and stir up even more trouble. Plus it’s rare that anyone or anything is 100% the same 100% of the time. So steer clear of these troublesome words.

• Don’t play the blame game. If something goes wrong with a client project and maybe your client was at fault, avoid pointing the finger. Instead, pitch in and help to resolve the problem. Clear things up and move past mistakes.

• Apologize if you are in the wrong and move on. Don’t harbor negative feelings. Fess up, but don’t dwell.

These are just a few tips to help you improve your communication skills with your prospects and team members. Incorporate these and other ideas in your communications and you will be well on your way to a successful home business.

We have made you a guide! Building and maintaining a successful team has many parts to it. Want to learn how to build a successful team? Feel free to take a look at our guide on how to build a great team.

Also feel free to take in use our simple tools and templates for building and maintaining your team. You will be able to download and use totally for free.

Feel free to take a look at our courses. The courses are possible to sign up at scheduled gathering, or book internally for your company:

Team og medarbeiderutvikling

Ledelse og organisering av virtuelle teams

Endringsledelse – konkret metode for å lede endring

Introduksjonskurs for førstegangsledere

Endring for fremtiden

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