Guiden vil gi deg en detaljert oversikt over hvordan du bygger laget ditt. Det guiden kort forklarer deg å gjøre er å fokusere på prosesser mens du bygger teamet ditt. Det er i hovedsak hva teamet ditt vil gjøre for å bli et svært effektivt team, et team som jobber med prosesser. Og det er det du trenger hvis du skal skalere, ha gode prosesser.

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The guide is easy read and consist of 5 main parts with links to other helpful articles and videos:
Defining the purpose of the team. Where the central part is to know what you look for, and if you need to form a team at all to solve this problem.
The second part consist of how you assemble the team. Where the main elements are what resources, including people and the competence you need. Defining the leadership is also important at this stage.
The third part consist of mapping out the vision of the team. The goals the team is working towards is extremely important on many aspects of the teams function. It is also important for the teams ability to maintain. Having purpose, and feeling what is done has meaning towards a direction is important. So mapping out the goals the team is working towards is not only relevant for the effective functioning of the team, but also the teams ability to self- maintain. A purpose for doing things.
The fourth part is the part that gets the main focus in this guide. Since we are guiding you on how to actually build a team, setting expectations is important. To be able to cooperate and being efficient at all levels, and living out the purpose and full potential of the team. Automating these expectations and arranging them in relation to other team members, other teams and the organisation as a whole, is very important. The best way of doing this, is by creating and improving processes. This is basically a common understanding of how things are done, and why they are done in relation to others in the team and the rest of the organisation.
The gift and last part of building a team is to maintain it. Maintaining the team, its operational parts as team members, leaders, systems and technology. And maintaining and improving the processes in relation to the teams purpose.
Med denne guiden i hånden bør du i høyeste grad være utstyrt med en struktur på hvordan du bygger et team, i hvert fall på hva du skal se videre etter av informasjon. Guiden kan ikke dekke alle områder av et lag, siden det er så stort. Men det gir et rammeverk for hvordan man kan begynne å bygge et lag som vil utkonkurrere lag som ikke har et system.
Lykke til med å bygge teamet ditt!
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Bygge og vedlikeholde et team
Å bygge og vedlikeholde et team er ikke så opplagt og enkelt som de fleste tror det er. Det er en grunn til at noen lag presterer bedre enn andre. Det finnes ikke noe som heter en beslutning om hva som er best og hvordan ting best gjøres. Selv om det, som mange andre innstillinger som har mye kompleksitet, er noen ting man ikke bør gjøre og noen ting man absolutt må gjøre. Vi vil gå gjennom de fleste i denne guiden, med lenker til relevante ting du kan ta med deg i lederskapet du utfører og ansetter inn i din bedrift.
En ting er sikkert, det er at uansett hvordan man vrir og vrir på det. Da vil et fungerende team alltid slå like mange som jobber alene mot et mål. Også når de som jobber alene har høyere kompetanse enn de som jobber i teamet. Det er som nevnt avhengig av et velfungerende team. Så det å ha arrangementer for å bygge og vedlikeholde gode team er en sentral del av ikke bare å kunne ha en vellykket virksomhet, men også for å kunne skalere og vokse som virksomhet. Du er avhengig av denne kompetansen ikke bare for å bygge teamet du starter med, men for å bygge flere team og avdelinger etter hvert som du vokser.
Så hvor skal man begynne med alt dette? Definer formålet med teamet. Hva bør du spørre deg selv før du danner et lag?
1. Define the purpose of the team
Formålet med laget ditt er viktig. Det gir svært liten mening i næringslivet å bygge noe som ikke har en funksjon. Det samme gjelder et lag. Det gir ingen mening å sette sammen et team som ikke har en funksjon. Du kan se på et team som en liten motor som har en funksjon, en hensikt med hvorfor den eksisterer. Så før du setter sammen et lag, bør du gå gjennom vår guide om du i det hele tatt bør sette sammen et lag
Hva burde du spørre deg selv før du setter sammen et team?
Et prosjekt eller en utfordring dukker opp og mange mennesker, uten å tenke, danner umiddelbart et team for å undersøke, løse problemet og implementere løsningen. Det samme for en startup, når man setter sammen lerretet med et fundament i en av klossene, oftest hans idé. Da har man i tankene å danne et lag rundt dette av ulike årsaker. For de fleste gründere er årsaken til dette at man ikke har nok ressurser til å leie inn kompetanse for å løse problemet eller gi den verdien som er tiltenkt. Så man søker partnerskap med andre gründere. Eller at du ikke har kompetansen, så du fokuserer på å skaffe deg den kompetansen du trenger så raskt som mulig ved å ansette. Et team kan være en veldig effektiv måte å løse problemer og implementere massive forbedringer. Men et lag er ikke det riktige svaret i enhver situasjon. Og det samme gjelder oppstarten din også.
To get the best results from the resources available, it is important that a leader answers a question they do not usually ask – “Is a team the best way to handle this situation?”
Unfortunately, when they assume the answer to the first question, they jump to “Who should I have on the team?” When they start there, they may have already condemned the organization to less than the perfect solution, before they even get started.
Her er fem spørsmål laget for å hjelpe deg med å svare på dette viktige første spørsmålet.
Er målet klart? Hvis målet ikke er krystallklart ennå, ikke lag et lag. Et team kan utvikle en problemformulering og løse et problem, men de kan ikke jobbe vellykket (i hvert fall ikke raskt og effektivt) med et mål som ikke er klart formulert. Når målet er klart (det kan være lurt å møte noen få personer på et engangsmøte for å få denne klarheten), kan du fortsette med resten av spørsmålene. Inntil da, ikke lag et lag!
Vil teamet ha ressursene de trenger for å lykkes? Du kan være personen som trenger å skaffe disse ressursene, eller du må kanskje forhandle for dem. Teamene må vite hvilke ressurser de har når det gjelder ferdigheter, budsjett, tid, støtte og mer. Mens mangel på ressurser vil utfordre mennesker og team til å være kreative, er det en grense for dette! Lag vil vakle og slite uten de nødvendige ressursene for å lykkes. Fortsett uten dem og du risikerer massiv frustrasjon og lav produktivitet.
Does this really require a team? This is perhaps the biggest of the questions. We value all collaboration and teamwork – but they do not have to go together. Collaboration can be achieved without a team. Maybe what you need to do is assign or find a person to run a project, and encourage others with valuable input and experience to collaborate and help as needed. Remember that there is a big difference between putting people on a team and asking them to help as needed. When you remember that you can promote collaboration without a team, you allow yourself to really answer this question.
Hva er den relative betydningen? Ikke alle prosjekter eller problemer er skapt like. Det er viktig å vurdere den relative betydningen av en situasjon før du dedikerer mye ressurser til den. Tenk på din overordnede plan og menneskelige ressurser. Se hvor dette passer inn i det store bildet ditt før du bestemmer deg for å danne et team, i motsetning til å tildele det til en enkelt person å administrere.
Er det tid? Det tar tid å planlegge, utforme strategier og prosesser, å akklimatisere seg, skape en kultur og samarbeid og alle elementene som må på plass for å hjelpe et team med å komme godt i gang. Er det på tide med alt det, i forhold til behovet for en løsning eller svar? Hvis ikke, ta en avgjørelse, ta en avgjørelse og gå videre.
Hvis du får ja-svar på alle spørsmålene ovenfor, gratulerer! Form teamet ditt og hjelp dem til å lykkes.
But if you get one or more no answers – do yourself and those you might put on a team – a favor. Think a little longer before you automatically form a team. You should learn more about leadership if the crew is creating a team, whether it’s a leadership staff that is your team, or the first team you have in your company.
2. Assemble the team
Assembling a team seems easy at first. If you have experience with finding team members and putting together a team, you will know it isn’t as easy as you first thought. But as you develop some experience in the field, you know what to look for, and how to ask the right questions to sort what you need. Keep in mind what the purpose of the team is, and what you seek in that connection. What team culture is necessary to achieve the aims, what personality types cooperate best, what leadership style is most likely to be accepted in this group?
1. Clearly Identify the Task at Hand.
One essential thing to remember, that many forget. Is to identify the tasks the team will do. A common solution many businesses do is to realize it is to much tasks to do, or that they are in need of something. Then seeking and finding people based on that. “We need more people to push these tasks” – hiring more people, based on random qualifications and percieved personal fit by the manager. Or “we need to market our product, we LinkedIn is where we should be” – hiring a person with marketing experience. With the idea that they will figure out things.
2. Identify the Skills Needed.
3. Identify the People.
Talent pipeline as a concept:
- It provides a steady flow of candidates. Something you will need if you plan to scale your business. At any level, if you seek to grow 1000s of people or expand your team by 10 people. You should aim to have a steady flow of candidates that fills your operational needs.
- It provides a framework of what you are doing. This makes it easier to establish processes around it. Making it easier to scale or down scale the activity as needed. This makes it easier to locate problems within the process you are doing, making it easier to locate and fix problems in your recruitment process. Understanding this will make it possible to remove “blockers” in the process if you seek to scale fast. It also provides great possibilities for increasing quality of the process. As a easy and very relatable problem, giving feedback to candidates that didn’t get the opportunity to go further in the process. No one mean any harm, it is often simply a matter of to many tasks, and this being down prioritized. But this kind of simple tasks not done, can really harm your “pipeline”. Someone not qualified now, might be 2 years in the future. In a market where it is hard to find people, this matters alot. And even so, it matters alot on your employment branding profile and people perception of your business. How hard is this to automate with a system either software or manual, at any complexity of feedback. You can even find machines that write handwritten cards for you. It is for sure something that has a low entry cost for the value of your “pipeline”. Along with so many more process improvements.
- Increasing the quality of the “pipleline” and the processes related to it, will increase the quality of your candidates entering it.
- Identify your company’s long-term goals and needs.
- People who meets the standards of being able to do the work processes they will be on-boarded and assigned to work on.
- Focus on personal fit, ability and motivation to learn rather than having all criteria for the process.
- Design and great processes that these candidates will work on. When you have great processes you will not need multi talented and unique people working in them to produce what the team is put together to do. You will need these kind of people for other roles, but the people working in the processes should not have this focus.
- Focus on improving processes, having great feedback loops and training in relation to what is produced.
2. Embrace employment branding
How do you put together a team in the talent pipeline?
Det du setter sammen et team, du går tenkte prosessene med å rekruttere. Denne prosessen har mange variasjoner i verktøy og ferdigheter som kan brukes. Å velge den rette for ditt behov er nøkkelaspektet i prosessene du utvikler for å lage et team.
3. Develop a candidate sourcing strategy to fill your pipeline.
4. Create a process for sourcing passive candidates.
5. Invest in relevant recruitment marketing
6. Automate the whole process
7. Remember strategy first.
- Establish contact with new candidates.
- Assess your talent pool.
- Nurture the candidates in your talent pipeline.
- Prioritise on- going training and development.
What to do when selecting candidates from the talent pool?
- What will happen in the process. Make a to do list that can be used for every on-boarding. This should be a list of exact things to learn and how in relation to the process they work with.
- Who is responsible for what in relation to who (use a process relation template)
- Start with a Plan and Goals. – What are the goals of the on-boarding? It is easy to forget to identify the wanted outcome of what you are training, and how quality will be identified as within this. Once you have a goal, it is much easier to make a plan for this. Make a good and soli plan on how to achieve this outcome. Something very obvious you might think, but most people skip this going straight to training the candidates in their on-boarding process. One thing to remember is that we as humans are biased to think people have the same understanding of things as we do. Take this in consideration when designing this.
- Personalise the Experience. – In this process based system you are trying to design. It is easy to forget to personalise the experience. But remember you can have a personalised experience standardised. It is not like you have to map what interest people have, spend time of buying a fotball chair to fotball fans. But you can have a standard of how people are on-boarded to their workplace in a way that feels personal. Something that feels like it is taken a personal consideration to things. Something as simple as: Having everything ready with logins to systems they will be working on, a desk with giveaways related to the job. The employee need a phone, the phone is in its box, configured and ready to use, same with the laptop, maybe a small treat of candy. Anything that can be standardised, maybe even having a stock of if things scale fast (to not have to go out to consider what to buy for every on-boarding). You have no idea how much this experience counts for people. Having everything configured and ready on the persons desk, ready to use. This is not only resource saving at a huge scale, but it makes people feel welcome. There is nothing worse then a on-boarding day of waiting and sitting much of the day looking into your phone. Not being prioritised will not give a good first impression. And you are paying valuable resources in giving this bad impression.
- Include Social Introductions. – We are not mechanical parts in a system, even this guide sometimes can mirror people like that. Social introductions are of great importance. Have introductions with especially people relevant for doing the job needed. Make it known in advance that you are coming by with a candidate later on the day you will. This introduction has 2 purposes: 1. a social and work culture aspect to it, a good culture includes people. 2. to eliminate doubts. What you want to do is to eliminate any possibility people have to create their own tough of how things are operated. You are introduced to your team leader, a friendly face you know you any time can come with problems and ask questions to. You know other team members and how they work in relation to what you do. Keep in mind, leaving people to figure out things themselves. Including if they do a good job or not will lead down the path of people making their own ideas of how things are. A scenario you dont want, everything should be clear. As I mentioned over and over again, information should be transparent and easily accessed.
- Clarify Roles and Responsibilities. – There is no point in having a plan, a strategy or processes for anything unless someone owns that process. Clearly who will do what. Clarify roles so they are crystal clear. Will this be done by a on-boarding team? By team members within the team. Make these roles as clear as possible by using a process relation map.
- Involve Company Leaders. – Leaders should be involved. It is easy to make the assumptions that leaders just sit in their office and delegate what will happen. You should implement in your culture the idea that leaders are a resource that are also delegated along with other resources. A leader will be able to delegate training where needed, solve conflict, maintain communication lines and all other factors that are of great importance to the team and its processes. To get the team functioning relations have to be established between the leaders and the people working within the processes. You will need these relations, so establish them from the first day.
- Use Onboarding Technology. – You would want to invest in onboarding technology for many reasons. But I will mention two reasons you will have to consider as the core technology that should be in your mind. 1. When you have 10 employees using a sheet is enough to keep track on the new employee that arrives maybe every year. But as soon as you scale, and have a great increase in how many your organisation is getting in. You would need some kind of software keeping track on this. Where they are in process, and that things are done according to company standards. 2. You will need to consider on-boarding technology in ways of learning employees what their tasks, also in relation to others. In the same case that you are 10 employees, having to explain what you do and how to do it for a person 1 time per year is affordable. It is possible to have one person dealing with a on- boarding on the side to some extent. Investing in learning solutions does not make sense at that point. But as soon as you will have 10 per year, maybe 50, 100 or more getting in the door per year. It will make sense to invest in learning solutions related to what your teams are doing. Something that is explained 100 times, can more efficiently be made into somewhat more engaging content easier to learn from. It is possible to make modules to understand own tasks, and the tasks in relation to each other. The idea with for example modules in learning related to processes, is that you will be able to go in and change relevant modules in the on- boarding along with changes in the processes. To put it simple. If you have a hour long introduction video, no one will consume it. And you will have really hard time updating it. Modules offers the possibility of presenting relevant information in pockets, easier to re-access. They are easier to change. And easier to insert in systems where you get feedback if a candidate actually have progressed trough the relevant training.
Hvordan definerer du funksjonen til lederskapet?
Når det gjelder ledelse sier det seg selv at så lenge de har en leder, vil teamet ha den funksjonen de er satt til å ha. Noen tror en leder er en som observerer og rapporterer, eller en som skaper og opprettholder retningen, eller en som løser problemer, skaper kompetanse eller styrer ressurser der det trengs. Alle disse og mange flere oppgaver faller på lederen.
So since there are several different situations when it comes to leading a team, there is no model that works for everyone when implementing leadership for the team. It can be the team’s expectations of leadership, their ability to work independently with the processes that are defined and many other factors that are important.
Personlig utvikling og lederskap
Hvis du har nådd det stadiet at du har ansatt til og med noen få personer, er du definitivt lederen av flokken! Eller i det minste bør du være det hvis du vil ha suksess. Ledelse er en kompetanse, og den kompetansen må du tilegne deg på en eller annen måte. Du er også en del av variasjonen på lag. Hvor godt du jobber med dine ansatte vil fortelle deg hvor vellykket du er. Er du en leder som samarbeider med suksess?
Real teamwork not only takes time, but it requires a willingness to contribute to the team’s best interests. It must begin with a sincere desire to work on behalf of the group. Be sure to examine your motives. When you have a successful team, you will find that all your teammates reap the rewards. Ineffective teams are often composed of some selfish team members who only care about their own personal goals and not the goals of the team as a whole.
Som teamleder bør du strebe etter å innpode følgende egenskaper hos medlemmene dine slik at teamet ditt vil være effektivt:
- To have a common vision of the team’s mission and its goals,
- There should be a willingness to incorporate one’s individual talents for the team’s improvement.
- Det burde være åpne linjer av kommunikasjon mellom team lederen og team medlemmene.
- Det burde være en forståelse for ulikheter i teamet.
- Team members should be recognised and rewarded for their efforts.
- Autoritetslinjer alene er ikke en garanti for lojalitet, dedikasjon og sunn fornuft for lagspill. Dessuten er det et faktum at talent ikke alltid garanterer suksess. Vellykkede team skapes fordi de er en blanding av talent, fusjon av sinn og tankesett, og det er også muligheten til å fokusere på det større bildet. Teammedlemmer må føle følgende:
- Å bli hørt
- Å føle at de er viktige
- To be valued, valued and recognised
- Å ha muligheten til å uttrykke sin egen individualitet
- Disse egenskapene kan alle oppstå på lag som er godt ledet uten å måtte ofre lagånden. Det er feil å tro at selv de beste teamlederne streber etter å behandle alle på samme måte. Siden alle medlemmer av et team er individer, trenger eller ønsker ikke alle å bli behandlet akkurat som alle andre. Noen teammedlemmer er selvmotiverte mens andre trenger støtte og trygghet.
Når du har utviklet deg personlig som teamleder, kan du ta skritt for å videreformidle personlig utvikling til teammedlemmene dine. Husk at teamarbeid utvikler seg over tid. Teamet ditt kan styrke seg selv daglig gjennom erfaring og relasjoner som utvikler seg med andre teammedlemmer over tid. Når du som teamleder gir tid og oppmerksomhet til disse tipsene, vil du oppleve at gruppen din snart vil smelte sammen med suksess mot visjonen du jobber for å oppnå i oppstarten din.
Så hvordan utfører du lederskapet?
The part with leadership associated with this guide will naturally be quite long. Leadership is such a central part of organizing that it deserves a longer share than much else. It could have been written more specifically about how to establish a team and other things, even though it is well described. What is important to understand is that all other aspects of organizing are ultimately about leadership. It’s about the leadership you who read this guide are able to perform. So whether you are leading a guide on how to build a team, or how to find expertise for your business. Then it’s ultimately about your leadership skills. Whether you delegate these tasks, have established processes around them, or do these yourself at the moment. Then it’s about your skills as a top leader in the direction you build, you as a decision maker and leader in that direction.
Kunsten å lede er ettertraktet av praktisk talt alle. Det hevdes av mange, definert av noen få, og praktisert av de unheralded, avhengig av kilden du bruker. Faktisk vet vi mye om ledelse; det er bruken av lederskap som skaper forvirring for de fleste.
Til tross for alle ledertekstene, som inneholder en veritabel mengde teorier om ledelse (som hver er NØKKELEN), forblir ledelse et veldig individuelt konsept, praktisert på mange forskjellige, men likevel vellykkede måter. Faktisk resulterer vellykket implementering alltid i lederskap. Mislykket implementering er alltid kontraproduktivt. Så, er dette en annen teori? Nei, men jeg vil dele med deg noen av mine observasjoner om hvor du kan se etter lederskap. Det er min overbevisning at selv om vi kanskje ikke er i stand til å definere det veldig presist, kan vi gjenkjenne det når vi ser det.
We know that there are people who are called “formal leaders” and “informal leaders” in some of the literature. I will not talk about these “formal leaders”, because they by definition hold positions of authority (ie a supervisory position as some politicians or a leader who is promoted as a manager) and that is their only requirement for leadership. They often do not have the leadership position on the basis of something they manage to gather someone in the direction of. But that they are a functionary, and supervise a process, a department or institution in this way. “Informal leaders,” on the other hand, exercise leadership from positions that are not formally appointed for leadership, thus causing a problem for the organization. How the informal leader arises is not easy to get a unanimous description of, but it can often be due to a lack of leadership in the “formal” position. But that does not mean that the “big man” theory takes place (it is he who says that when a crisis arises and no one is prepared to deal with it, someone will get up and deal with it). Why is someone not in a leadership position given authority by the group they work in to exercise leadership?
There are, of course, several answers to that question, so let’s examine some of them. It may be that the leader is a confident (at least confident trader) person with a little charisma, thus one who gives logical answers to questions from the group, and who may have the ability to demonstrate that they have good ideas. We often see this in groups that begin by discussing particular issues; If no one is specifically “responsible”, the leader who shows up is often the person who shows the most passion for the subject.
Or they may simply be someone who is impatient for action, and motivates others to a particular action that seems to achieve some common goal. In this case, the group tends to gather behind the “visionary”. Sometimes the visionary does not have much of a vision, but that does not mean that they are not able to pursue one (or have one in the first place).
Another possibility is that one in this group recognizes that things can be done in a way that benefits everyone involved. The motivation for implementation is not for improvement, enrichment or even recognition of the leader, rather to achieve group goals, including those that are relevant to the entire organization. So if you manage to establish it in your teams, when you have several teams or several departments. That these are able to understand the organization’s goals. Then it’s important.
When we find this leader of the latest type in your teams as you grow, then there are leaders who are helpful to the processes you are going to implement. They are the ones who are passionate about achieving the whole, not of themselves individually. These leaders are not put out of action because they do not blow their horns to be recognized as a leader, or other things around the position they hold. They are too busy working towards meaningful goals to be distracted by something so counterproductive. Yet they do some special things that allow us to see “evidence” of their leadership. Some of these things are where I want to focus this section around what you as the top leader should do.
Ledere som brenner for visjonen sin (de har alltid en visjon), er nøye med å sørge for at alle i organisasjonen vet hva den visjonen er. De ønsker å indoktrinere alle slik at det ikke bare er en visjon, men en håndgripelig del av miljøet, så mye at det skal gå hjem med ansatte om natten. Alt som flyter er altså en refleksjon av den visjonen, fordi visjonen blir fyrtårnet som styrer handlingene til alle i organisasjonen.
These leaders know the people they lead well: their personalities, their stories, their passions. The leader knows them because of the leadership involved in attracting and retaining the right people to “get the job done. If the right people are at work and they get the resources to get the job done, it is often a waste of time, because this type of leader is already getting out of bed in the morning and is excited to go to work. Motivation? It boils down to each and every one of them, and they do not need slogans or mantras, or group meetings to cheer on the story, because the “self-actualized” person is also self-motivated. They know their job, they know what is expected of them, and they know that they have a responsibility to the rest of the staff to do the best job they can.
One reason for this is that the individual has been involved in the development of their job and their responsibility for that job, they have been informed about how their job fits into the overall scheme around the vision, and they are closely involved in changes that take place. in the company. . Revolutionary? No, it’s been in several books for decades.
Når ledere som deg, og rollen du har som en øverste beslutningstaker, utvikler denne typen ansatte og ledere for å overvåke og påvirke ansatte, står du fri til å gjøre de visjonære oppgavene: ha målet i bakhodet, og gjøre kurskorreksjonene nødvendige når endrede forhold krever dem. Tweaking er en ferdighet du som leder må tilegne deg, som ikke undervises på noen skole, noe som gjør den så mye mer verdifull.
Det er noen ting vi som enkeltpersoner kan gjøre hvis vi ønsker å utvikle vårt eget lederskap:
- Fokuser på hovedmålet for virksomheten din. Aldri la deg distrahere fra det.
Do not surround yourself with those who only agree with you, but with the right people for the job you need, then train them and give them the tools to do the job. - Recognize the benefits of having different personalities around you. Not only do separate skill sets come with different personalities, but different approaches that are crucial to a company’s success.
Etter å ha ansatt de rette folkene, kom deg unna. Hvis du trenger å mikroadministrere dem, trenger du dem ikke. Dette er imidlertid ikke noe stort problem, siden de ikke blir værende uansett, hvis du behandler dem med så lite respekt. Det er din jobb som leder å sørge for at alle kjenner sine prosesser, har den kompetansen som trengs for å utføre dine arbeidsoppgaver. Det samme gjelder gode rutiner for å få folk inn i virksomheten din. - Husk alltid å konsultere tilbakemeldingssløyfen i alle prosessene dine, for å sikre at ting fungerer som du forventer og at du kan gjøre passende endringer i tide. Unnlatelse av å gjøre det vil fremskynde feilene i organisasjonen og føre til store problemer lenger ned i svingen. Husk at tilbakemeldingssløyfen din bare er like verdifull som personene du får tilbakemelding fra. Hør på dem.
- Vit når du har overskredet grensene dine, og erkjenne det. Så få hjelp til å overvinne det. Det er mye lettere å få hjelp fra andre. Og hvis du har bygget laget rundt deg ordentlig, så har du det som skal til for å komme deg gjennom ting.
Each of us has the ability to be a leader. However, we will only become effective leaders when we lose the fear of making mistakes, and share the responsibility to achieve the organization’s goals. If these goals are our individual goals for achievement, the organization will work to succeed and achieve; if they are not, we will be the transient leader who gets things started, but who fails to fail to share the credit and only push for the good of the organization.
Map out the visions and goals the team are working towards
En feil mange gjør er å ikke definere et mål med arbeidsoppgavene som gjøres. Det er lett å tenke at systemet og prosessene man lager med mennesker fungerer kun ved å sette det sammen. Men mennesker er ikke maskiner, så de som tror på det får ofte noen dyre opplevelser. Feil koster ofte mye uansett hva de er, og det er dyrere jo større feilen og skaden er. Når det kommer til denne typen systemer som involverer mennesker, kan de ha en tendens til å være både veldig dyre og en hodepine for å komme tilbake på sporet. Så det å kunne skape de situasjonene vi mennesker er avhengige av for å trives er viktig. Det er når vi trives vi fungerer best.
If you have tried to work for a company that lacks direction, or meaning with what one produces, you know what I mean. Without meaning, we as humans tend to lose the important “drive” that a team depends on. That everyone wants to learn, is committed, has pride attached to what they do. All of these things are greatly underestimated. It is part of the culture that is created. You can imagine carrying a load of stone to the other side, and then being asked to put the whole pile back again. You should be built differently so as not to lose heart then, which very few people are. And you have to have the whole team with you in this direction.
Team charter som et verktøy
Hvor mange ganger har du vært på, eller hørt om, et team som har blitt frustrert? Eller følte de at de ikke gjorde fremskritt? Eller var de ikke helt klar over hva de var forventet å gjøre? Eller følte de ikke at de hadde støtte fra de over dem?
If you’re like me and most people I know, nod yes to one or more of the above questions.
Det er en enkel ting som kan lindre eller eliminere disse utfordringene og få laget til en solid start. Det eneste er et lagcharter.
Hva er et Team Charter?
Et charter er et dokument som beskriver formålet, grensene og avtalene til teamet (detaljer er nedenfor). Det er medskapt av den som sponser eller danner laget og av de som skal være med på laget. Kraften til dette dokumentet kommer fra samtalen og avtaler registrert på det.
Fordi kraften kommer fra avtalene som er inngått, er formatet på selve dokumentet mindre viktig enn samtalen. Uavhengig av formatet bør komponentene i neste avsnitt vurderes.
Hva er inkludert i dette?
Teamcharter bør ta for seg følgende områder og svare på de relaterte spørsmålene.
• Purpose and adjustment. Why is this layer formed? What purpose will it serve? What challenge, problem, issue or opportunity will it address? How is the work of this team in line with the organization’s larger goals and strategies?
• Goals and expectations. What are the specific goals of this team? When will we know that we have completed their work? Who are the customers and stakeholders in the team’s work? What are their needs and expectations? What are the obstacles or challenges that can be seen in the beginning? Make sure you set goals clearly with measurable results and timelines.
• Roller. Hvem er teamleder? Hva er deres rolle? Hvem har ansvaret for tilrettelegging, logistikk og informasjonshåndtering? Hvem vil være ansvarlig for kommunikasjon til interessenter og teamsponsoren? Hvordan vil hver person bli involvert i beslutningsprosessen?
• Tilnærming. Hvordan og når møtes laget? Hva er normene eller grunnreglene som teamet vil gå med på? Hvordan tar vi beslutninger? Hvordan skal vi holde hverandre ansvarlige for disse tingene og for å fullføre oppgaver? Hvem skal kommunisere teamfremgang og til hvem? Charteret ditt bør også inkludere et høyt nivå av de viktigste fasene eller milepælene i teamlivet og skissere disse.
Requires skills and expertise. Make a list of the skills and expertise required for the team’s success. Identify the person on the team who can provide these skills and perspectives. Identify any gaps in skills and find a way to link those skills to the team through other resources. Adding these skills does not mean you have to add people to the team. This means that experts can best be identified and invited to participate in the beginning, and a charter helps to achieve this.
• Behov av ressurser. Hvilket budsjett av tid og penger vil være nødvendig for dette prosjektet? Hvilke andre ressurser vil være nødvendig?
• Myndighet. Hvilket nivå på offentlige utgifter har laget? Hvilken myndighet har de for andre ressurser? Hvilke godkjenninger kreves og av hvem?
• Avtale. Når alle disse spørsmålene og elementene er dokumentert, bør charteret ditt signeres av teamsponsoren og hvert teammedlem. Dette vil sementere avtalen og gjøre det lettere å holde folk ansvarlige. Det sikrer også at hvert teammedlem forstår og deltar i hele charteret.
Hvordan implementere et team charter?
Fordi det kreves en viss struktur, vil vanligvis en leder som danner eller sponser et team starte prosessen. Hvis dette ikke skjer i din organisasjon, ikke bruk det som en unnskyldning! Uansett hvilken rolle du har, kan du få støtte til å ha en samtale som fører deg til den klarheten og enigheten som et charter vil gi.
Get the team together with the leader who formed and / or sponsors your team. Have a conversation about the eight points above, and document your agreements. You may be able to complete a charter in one meeting, or it may require people to gather more information before concluding – doing what makes sense given the size, complexity and importance of the team’s production. Remember that all time invested here will be repaid many times over. Resist the urge and tendency to “get this done and move on with the work.”
Once the document is created, ask all parties to sign it as a way to mark commitment to each other. Then keep the document fresh by referring to it in team meetings and making sure you stay on track with the boundaries and guidance it provides. Also be aware that as time goes on, you may need to make adjustments, clarifications or changes to the charter. This is fine as long as all team members and the leader and sponsor agree and “sign on” the changes.
Vær oppmerksom...
Vil det ta lang tid å lage et team charter?
Vil noen stoppe å ta del i det og ønske å starte?
Recognize these facts, but remember one even greater – time spent building a charter agreement will be repaid in reduced frustration, improved productivity, and better results.
Hvorfor ha et team charter?
Tusenvis av team dannes i selskaper over hele verden hver dag. Og de fleste av disse lagene flyndre unødvendig for lenge og noen flyndre for alltid). Det er en enkel praksis som kan forbedre resultatene til de fleste team, enten de er dannet for et kort prosjekt eller som en ny arbeidsenhet. Den praksisen er teamkartlegging.
The team charter is a document that serves as both a guide and a roadmap for any team’s success. When used most effectively, this tool clarifies the purpose of the team’s existence and documents the agreements between the team members.
Her er de syv grunnene til at en teambefraktningsprosess vil være veldig nyttig når du skal danne et team.
Shows support and commitment. One of the key components of an effective team charter is the identification of a team sponsor or a person outside the team who can provide support and guidance to the team. Many teams spin because they do not have a “go to” person they can trust when they get stuck or face obstacles. The team charter is a way for these sponsors to communicate their interest and support. The charter also gives the team assurance that such a person exists.
Sets the team direction. A good team charter will give a team the rationale and goals for the team. Teams are often formed without these ideas being clearly defined. This is a problem not only for the creation of the team, but makes the work of the team extremely difficult. How do you know what to do when you do not know the specific goals and objectives you want to achieve? If I could only have one component in a team charter, there would be a clear definition of the direction, the goals to be achieved and problems to be solved by the team.
Provides agreements and clarity. Charters provide more than just the overall direction and adaptation to the organization’s overall purpose. The best charters also provide a chance for the team itself to build agreements on how to operate, make decisions, how often they will meet and many other logistical problems.
Structures and ensures an efficient planning process. All too often in our fast-paced world, teams go too fast to build a solution because they believe immediate action is needed. With this perspective, they spend too little time planning for successful action. A team chartering process, form or checklist helps ensure that a team plans successfully before moving on. The time spent in planning in the first place will be repaid many times during the team’s lifetime – both in saved time and avoided frustration.
Identifies roles. Will the same person facilitate each meeting? Who is the team leader? Are there specific expectations for the team members? What roles will each one play? Does each team member understand why they are there and what expertise they can offer? A team chartering process can help you answer all of these questions, helping any team succeed faster.
Outline boundaries and scope. Teams often wonder what is within their control and what is actually expected of them. A good chartering process should help a team understand what their limits are, what their limitations are, what parts of the problem they are responsible for, and so on.
Sets resources. Teams often wonder: What about their level of authority. Can they hire consultants? Can they bring in external experts? What is your budget? Can they bring in extra resources in the organization? A good chartering document will help set both the resource requirements and the levels of government the team has to provide more resources when needed.
Improves productivity and the likelihood of successful outcome. Okay, so there are more than seven. All the first seven benefits lead to this – the ultimate benefit of all. Successful chartering will increase the likelihood that the team will be less frustrated, take less time and create greater results.
Betydningen av en teambefraktningsprosess kan ikke overvurderes. Du vil legge merke til at jeg har skissert fordelene og derfor foreslått mange av nøkkelkomponentene i et vellykket teamcharter. Husk at skjemaet, formatet eller malen du bruker er mindre viktig enn tiden du bruker i samtale og dialog for å sikre at det du dokumenterer er realistisk og relevant. Husk også at du ønsker å lage noe, ikke som en øvelse, men som et levende dokument som teamet kan bruke som både veiledning og veikart.
Når du investerer tid i å lage et teamcharter, vil du virkelig hjelpe teamet som helhet til å bli mer vellykket. Og du vil også gi en høyt verdsatt struktur for å hjelpe individuelle teammedlemmer til å bli mindre frustrerte og mer produktive.
Establish a vision in the team
Countless clients come to me with the fixed idea that they in various way have some sort of culture problem, without identifying it as a culture problem. Problems with conflict, “how can we create abetter culture”, people not cooperating, “how can we build a better culture for cooperation”, people talking past each other due to different professions, “how can we communicate better”. Culture is not something you just enter in with a toolset and fix. Ok, bad culture? let us just buy a ping pong table, buy some bean bag chairs and have some teambuilding and problem fixed. This will not fix anything in relation to culture. And this is a typical type of reason why you should never accept a clients proposal of the root problem when solving problems as a HR professional.
One thing that is important to understand with culture is that you do not build a culture. A culture is forget trough other implementations. It is something that is affected by lack of or nurture of various external factor related to the culture itself. Putting it that way makes it easier to actually “create” or “build” a culture as many clients wish professionals to do for them.
Culture can be seen as the collective glue that holds your organisation together. Much of the culture can be believed to establish when you define a team, simply by defining what culture you want in your team. Unfortunately you will not be able to simply dictate what culture you want and implement it that way. This process will neither happen in the part where you lay a plan and sett together the team. You will simply not be able to find people that has a certain cultural trait in your “talent pipe” and bring them in to your organisation or team. Culture is an adaptable behaviour, we simply adapt to other people when we are given sets of information to act on. That is how culture establishes itself.
- One factor is to establish the vision in the team or organisation,
- and another is to create the norms of how problems are solved. And this obviously has to be maintained.
We will go trough them how you can use this to establish a culture in your organisation. And it is interesting how related the two are.
Creating a vision
A vision is a super powerful tool and highly relevant for how the culture shapes itself. When you mention vision to someone most people see this as some kind of “buzzwork” with no real mening. “Establish a vision – yea mr. obvious obviously establishing a vision would be good, it is just a lose fantasy word with no real meaning from an organisational development standpoint”. But the fact is that a vision actually has a real value, but to make some meaning of it
Purpose: A vision will help sort out a direction and a purpose with what people do. Doing tasks, without seeing a purpose for it makes no sense in a modern organisation. We as people are purpose driven, without purpose we tend to get depressed with what we do. As a easily relatable to the well known torture method of having people carry a huge pile of heavy rocks from one side to another, while also being instructed to carry the pile of rocks back again. The task itself, if it carries a purpose is not torture. While people who were victims of this kind of torture lost all hope very fast. The task is the same, the presence of purpose is the only difference.
Core values: One other factor you have to establish is core beliefs in the organisation. These feed greatly into the purpose and mission the team has. You probably manage to identify your own behaviours towards something you value and something you dont value. You will for sure have more ownership to tasks that you value, identify yourself with, see the purpose of and know what needs to be done to achieve. So establishing core values that are universally understood is a central part of establishing a vision. What we want to do in this case is to establish universal knowledge and adaption by the majority within these core values, and rely on normative influence for the rest of the organisation to adapt these value. “Core values – another buzzword you may think”, think of the core values of an organisation as what is the accepted behaviour is the given situations. See a police force for example, a core value there is to look after each others safety. If a person does not adapt these simple core values, they are quite simply excluded socially and possibly from the job itself after some time. The same goes with your workplace, and your workplaces possible adaption to building a team this way. Lets say for example process feedback, if roles and responsibility, purpose and how to do a task is clearly defined. For many it would be tempting to see a problem or possible improvement in a process, and just ignore it as not concerning themselves. Most work places will have this attitude to anything. But if the expectation and core value adapted by the majority see this as important, it is valued and socially rewarded to identify these problems. You will quite fast see a total different behaviour, rather than using fear and reminding people of their duties.
Mission: As mentioned before with the importance of a purpose, and to establish core values effect on people ownership and behaviours. It is just as important to know what to achieve, something measurable. Something to stretch after, a purpose for the teams involved. This is off course easier for a temporary team, than an operational team. A temporary team can see progress visible every day. While an operation team are kind of stuck in what they produce day in and day out. But if you manage to establish these processes to a sense of purpose. Something that would be outside the operational. I can assure you no one care about you showing them statistics of how much revenue they have generated. Unless this is tired to their income. A mission can be so simple as identifying who these processes are helping. Let us say if your company produce a service for national employment. The focus would be on how many have been helped to get a job. If your company delivers some kind of service, a mission would be the success of the value this creates. And feedback related to the person and competence of the relevant people. This simple change in defining a mission, even it is at the side of the possible purpose of the organisation itself. The team purpose will be driven by this mission.
Strategy: The strategy related to how the team is trying to achieve these the mission. By circling in the mission and purpose around the actual problem they solve, rather than the organisational goal, much is done. This is obvious, but forgotten by many, in the same way as people tend to focus more on their product than the problem it is ment to solve in a startup. When establishing your teams vision, focus on the problem the team is there to solve is just as important. The strategy can be seen as how this is planned to be achieved, and can be closely related to the processes the team use. If you manage to establish ownership to this strategy, much us done.
Together these core values, the perception of purpose, the mission they are on and the strategies on how to make real and deliver this is collectively the teams vision. By implementing these parts correctly, you will be able to create a team vision. A very useful component when it comes to forging organisational culture.
4.Sett expectations to your team (processes)
Å sette forventninger er et flott verktøy som hvis det mestres riktig vil høste all innsatsen du har gjort. Så hvordan sette forventninger? Å sette forventninger går utover å bare forklare hva du forventer av teamet ditt. Hvis oppgavene de gjør er klart definert og forstått, hvorfor de gjør dem, hvordan de gjør dem og hvordan det de gjør skaper verdi og brukes av andre lenger ned i linjen. Disse snille spørsmålene er de du må svare på for å kunne sette forventningene som trengs for å lykkes. Dette kalles prosesser, et teammedlem som kjenner sin prosess godt, i et team av mennesker med samme forståelse av oppgavene sine. I et team som kommuniserte og koordinerer disse godt, under stor ledelse relevant for dette teamet. Vil overgå ethvert lag uten at disse forventningene er definert.
Why design and implement processes?
Why even bother to implement processes. It is a lot of work to map all the processes and their relation to each other. To be able to build a scalable organisation you will have to have processes in order. You will simply have a organisation with a system too heavy to carry its own weight without processes. So the main factor here is that you will not be able to grow past a certain point, without establishing some sort of system involving processes and workflow in relation to each other. If we take a closer look at what this scalability mean. And what is the exact meaning of the organisation not being able to carry its own weight at some point. Lets look at the smaller benefits of using processes in your teams, and sum this up later.
- Improved business agility – The ability to reach to change is essential to keep up the game in most industries today. The complexity and new possibilities are increasing rapidly. These changes may come from new technology, needs for change in how things are done, new competition with new methods, new laws and regulations the organisation needs to apply to. Changes are much easier to implement, easier to locate the need for and you will have a much more robust organisation to handle requirements for change from external treats. A good process design and the management around it makes it possible to plan and predict changes needed, stop the process, make the changes and continue the production. It is easier to locate exactly where changes happen in relation to other processes, and to locate people relevant for on-boarding new solutions and training. You will be able to calculate benefits of implementation and if it will benefit you, making data-driven decisions rather than being hungry for new technology.
- Increased efficiency – Every business struggle to increase their efficiency, it is a huge advantage over competition and to be able to deliver the value a business sell by being able to be efficient. Many ways of organising and structuring a business are highly inefficient. Processes are designed to pinpoint these inefficiencies and to eliminate bad practices of how to do things. Processes offers better workflows both on single tasks and tasks in relation to others. Processes enhances knowledge and information flow regarding improvements of workflow and bottlenecks. Processes makes it possible to measure workflow, identify changes that would benefit an optimal improvement. Processes also helps identify manual tasks that can be automated to increase productivity and reduce chances of human error.
- More complete visibility – Processes offer a more complete visibility of how the organisation operates. Makes it possible to implement feedback systems and automated systems allowing problems in the production line faster to locate and fix. Processes allow the possibility to study each process for improvements, and offers a more clear picture of the overall business activity.
- Ensured compliance and security – Rules and regulations are changing how business can operate. These changes can affect a business and its efficiency, sometimes halting all production. Processes makes it easier to locate changes needed to comply with new laws and regulations. Processes also offers an organisation structure more robust to change, easier to implement and train new solutions. Processes also offers a more secure workflow to meet standards of these laws and regulations, avoiding hefty fines in many cases. Since the workflow is standardised and described in detail with documentation, it is easier to ensure and follow up that everything is up to standard with regulations. Having good processes and systems can also secure the company for mistakes regarding typical issues such as cyber security, securing private information and physical resources. Making it easier for employees to comply with company regulations.
- Easier transfer of business knowledge and information – Companies shift their workforce, expand and scale their business. Often we see companies rely on individual employees to have their ways, system and processes in their workflow. This works well when having a talented and efficient employe in the organisation to solve a certain task. When implemented it works well. But changes in the workforce makes this vastly inefficient and potentially costly to deal with. Finding new people, higher requirements of skills and implemented ownership to tasks, maybe not knowing what the person actually were doing when they quit. A potentially costly way to organise a business, possibly halting or creating multiple hard to solve bottlenecks trough the business. Processes offers a practical solution to these kind of issues. By designing and documenting how the workflow are done, it is easier to standardise roles to fit a talent pipeline. And easier to on-board to this function. Information and training across teams and organisations are far easier. Implementing processes can already have saved its cost of implementing by avoiding one situation like this for especially small and medium sized businesses.
- Easier to on-board and train people – As mentioned standardising workflow makes it easier to on-board new employees. It is much more easy to design great on-boarding processes with a process workflow they will be operating. It makes it possible to take in use on-boarding technology such as consumable content such as video and animation related to the work tasks they operate.
- Increased opportunities for continuous improvements – Continuous improvements are a central part of working in processes. Not only are process oriented organisations more robust to change (a requirement in a increasingly complex work with new technology and requirements for change). But it is also easier to enter processes measure outcome of a new implementation, easier implement the new solution by location the process and the roles attached to it for training. This makes it possible to avoid the big trap of getting tempted with new technology, implementing out of hope for improvements. By working in processes it is possible to back the implementations and decisions towards it by evidence and data needed to ensure success. Processes also allow small on- going changes in a direction, rather than huge top-down/ top to bottom implementations in an organisations. A change that carries greater risk and complexity.
In summary the total benefit of using processes has the purpose of standardising, faster adapting to change and problems, easier on- boarding and training and a greater overall efficiency that can sustain the cost of an organisation at a greater level. Designing a organisation this way, will make it possible to scale, since you are copying a system that works to scale, you dont brink more people in simply hoping they will do what is required of them.
How would a good processes look?
Standardiser prosessene dine! Du kan spare tid, penger og forhindre feil. Ting du gjør om og om igjen bør gjøres på samme måte hver gang, hvis du faktisk gjør oppgaven på den beste måten. De sier variasjon er livets krydder, men for helseprosesser er det absolutt ikke det meste av tiden. Vurder dette hvis du vil. Ville du kjøpt favorittbrus fra favorittmerket ditt hvis noen ganger 12 unse-boksen din var 3/4 av veien full og noen ganger nesten overfylt. Absolutt ikke. Du forventer at det konsekvent blir nesten 12 gram hver gang. Hvordan ville en pasient oppført seg hvis resultatene av et helsebesøk varierte sterkt? Pasienten ville sannsynligvis finne en ny leverandør. Det beste helsepersonell yter en gjennomgående god service; det bidrar til å tiltrekke seg nye pasienter og får de gamle til å komme tilbake.
Standardisering bidrar til å spare tid. Etter hvert som ting blir rutine, er en prosess lettere å gjøre og gjøres raskere. For eksempel, hvis en primærlege sørger for at de nødvendige gjenstandene for et pasientbesøk alltid er i undersøkelsesrommet, trenger ikke legen å kaste bort tid på å lete etter forsyninger og kaste bort tid for pasienten eller legen. Jeg anbefaler at primærleger sammen med personalet setter seg ned og lister opp de tingene som alltid skal være på undersøkelsesrommet og sørger for at noen har ansvar for disse gjenstandene hver morgen før pasientene kommer. Hvis dette gjøres, kan legen spare tid, og dermed gjøre det mulig for ham eller henne å bruke mer kvalitetstid med pasienten eller se flere pasienter.
Standardization saves money. Most doctors face increasing malpractice costs, but for one group this has not been true – anesthetists. According to an article in the June 21, 2005 issue of the Wall Street Journal, over two decades ago, this group began implementing procedures that ensured patient safety. Certain processes have been standardized across the profession, so instead of one death per 5,000 cases, there is now only one per 200,000 to 300,000 cases. Because of this, their insurance premiums fell for malpractice.
Standardisering forhindrer feil, som i illustrasjonen ovenfor. Et annet eksempel er tegningen fra et lokalsykehus. Nylig diskuterte finansdirektøren for institusjonen og jeg det nye anlegget de skulle bygge. I stedet for å bygge tilstøtende rom slik at badene skulle ligge rygg mot rygg for å spare rørleggerkostnader, ble hvert rom designet slik at hvert rom skulle bli nøyaktig det samme med et bad på samme side. Hvorfor? Dette vil forebygge feil og på sikt spare penger for sykehuset.
The best thing is if you can measure standardization. The best tool for measuring standardization in statistics is variance or standard deviation. I’m sure many of you have encountered this measure, but can probably not calculate it. The best way to calculate it is either in a spreadsheet or on a calculator. For example, the standard deviation of the numbers 8, 12, 1, 4 and 5 is 4.18. For groups 5, 5, 5, 5 and 5, the standard deviation is 0, since there is no variation. So when trying to standardize a process, see if you can find any significant goals that reflect the process and try to reduce the standard deviation as much as possible. In fact, this is the heart of Six Sigma – reduce the standard deviation as much as possible. The best manufacturers and service providers often use this tool.
Når du har standardisert en prosess og oppnådd et tilfredsstillende standardavvik, skriv ned prosessen i en manual som er en samling av alle beste praksis. På denne måten kan alle som har behov for å referere til hvordan en prosess skal gjennomføres, henvise til manualen. Det er også en utmerket kilde til opplæring for nye ansatte.
Som du kan se i disse korte illustrasjonene, gir standardisering eller mangel på varians pasientsikkerhet, en tidsbesparelse for leverandør og pasient, og bidrar til en forbedret bunnlinje. Det samme prinsippet gjelder uansett hva du gjør, enten du produserer tjenester eller produkter med teamet ditt. Å fokusere på prosessene du lager er veldig viktig.
Processes aim to be able to make things more efficient as a team. If you look at processes in the big picture in an organization, then it is not only very important for the organization’s efficiency and ability to be competitive by having better processes and therefore possibly be able to compete on price, time or quality.
What processes are about is also the ability to scale, an important element of everything explained here. If you have an organization with a number of teams that all do things differently. You will never be able to scale what solutions you have. So the benefits are big with good quality processes, not only simply by having processes in place.
How to make good processes?
Making processes can be frustrating at the start, but becomes easy once you get hold of it. What you want to do is You are most likely thinking in processes related to what you do already, you just have to document what you already are doing and make some improvements to it. Because the fact is that someone who is not able to thin in processes on what they are doing, do not really understand what they do. With that in mind, let us continue to get those processes made.
Identifiser prosessen
Identifisering av prosesser handler om å identifisere et sett av aktiviteter med mål om systematisk å definere hva som skal til for at forretningsprosessen skal bli bedre.
Hver virksomhet har en prosess. Spørsmålet er nok mer om det er dårlige prosesser eller gode prosesser. Og hva prosessene produserer. Ikke alle bedrifter tar seg tid til å identifisere, kartlegge og analysere prosessene sine for å skape effektive team.
Ikke bare går denne typen team glipp av store deler av fortjenestemarginen, siden teamet produserer mindre effektivt det teamet er satt til å produsere. Men det hemmer i stor grad videre vekst og samarbeid med andre team i organisasjonen også.
I dette første trinnet av prosessen kan du se på den viktigste oppgaven du trenger for å løse ved å bruke ferdighetene dine, kanskje kunnskapen om den spesifikke funksjonen dette teamet trenger for å bygge en liste over:
Hvilke funksjoner teamet skal ha, hva de skal produsere og hvordan gjøre dette så effektivt som mulig.
Viktige produksjonsteam produserer og hvor disse bør gå videre. Dette er også viktig, fordi det ofte kan være vanskelig å videre ned utviklingen av prosessene dine for å optimalisere dem. Når du ikke vet hva som skjer, hvem eller hva de påvirker videre i organisasjonen eller hvordan de jobber.
In this section, we talk about identifying the processes in the first place. We move on to how to model these further. Right now, for the vast majority, it’s about bringing down the processes that either already exist to change and improve them. Or create new processes from scratch.
I tillegg til de operative prosessene knyttet til selve teamet. Deretter må du identifisere støttestrukturen rundt teamene du driver også:
Ledelse/ management: Dette er prosessene knyttet til de som overser, har oversikt, motiverer, regulerer, fikser, tilrettelegger alt knyttet til det driftsteamet gjør. Ledelsen knyttet til teamet sørger rett og slett for at alt går som det skal, at kvaliteten som driftsprosessene er satt til å ha holder standard. De gir opplæring, budsjett osv. Ledelsen er selvfølgelig også medlem av et team. Men vil selvsagt ha helt andre prosesser enn den operative delen av teamet.
Støtte- og organisasjonsprosesser: dette er støttestrukturene for å sikre at det operative teamet og ledelsen har det som trengs av ressurser knyttet til organisasjonen. Store bedrifter har disse funksjonene in-house, mens små og mellomstore organisasjoner ofte må ha støttespillere som konsulenter eller en form for outsourcing knyttet til dette. Dette inkluderer ting som er viktige ressurser for at et team skal fortsette å være produktivt. Hvis datamaskinen, nettverket eller systemene krasjer, er det dyrt å ikke ha prosesser på plass for å fikse det. Det samme gjelder juridiske, faglige eller tekniske spørsmål. Utfordringer knyttet til HR-faglige problemstillinger, som konflikt, lederstøtte og andre ting.
Disse to andre prosessene vil i stor grad være ganske like andre virksomheter i lignende situasjon og størrelse som en selv. Selvfølgelig gjør en ting på din egen måte. Disse prosessene er imidlertid nødvendige støttestrukturer som omgir teamet. Og de må eksistere på en eller annen måte, enten du er en startup med 1 lag og Grunderen tar seg av disse 2, eller om du er en stor bedrift som har disse plassert i forskjellige avdelinger. Prosessene må uansett på plass.
Så hvordan identifiserer vi disse prosessene?
En god måte å løse mange problemer på er å stille spørsmål. Så vi gjør det her også. Spør deg selv:
Hva er Problemet...
Hva ønsker vi å oppnå med prosessene vi etablerer?
What problems are the existing process dealing with?
Tenk videre på hvordan disse prosessene påvirker og samhandler med andre prosesser i din bedrift, eller med dine kunder. Uansett hvor de skal endre seg, må du se for deg hele reisen til de forskjellige elementene som går gjennom prosessene dine. Å bruke et lite tankekart skader ikke hvis man har mange prosesser.
Et eksempel på dette er om du skal produsere noe, et fysisk produkt for eksempel. Da kan du være superfokusert på å øke produktiviteten til teamet eller teamene som har produksjonssamlebåndet. Men da tenker man kanskje ikke på hva du trenger for at de skal kunne gjøre jobben sin, du trenger alle delene som trengs til denne produksjonen. Du må med andre ord også fokusere på prosessene som foregår før disse teamene får gjort jobben sin. Det samme gjelder også hvis det de produserer er en del av noe annet, hvis de produserer mer enn det neste ledd kan håndtere med sine prosesser, så er det liten verdi i å forbedre disse. Derfor må du se på alle prosessene både i teamet og prosessene andre team rundt har når de oppretter og forbedrer prosesser. Du kan lese mer nedenfor om hvordan du identifiserer og forbedrer dette.
Sketch opp prosessens in-put
Dette vil gjøre det lettere for deg å forestille deg teamet du designer som en maskin på et samlebånd. Du legger inn noe som maskinen bruker til å produsere det maskinen er ment å gjøre. En maskin som lager sjokolade vil ha innspill på ingrediensene til sjokoladen som skal legges i en form. Og så vil en annen maskin ha innspill med denne ferdige sjokoladen og innpakningspapiret for å fullføre. Forenklet er dette to prosesser som maskinen er designet for å utføre. Så i en forretningssammenheng er en prosess en rekke oppgaver som gjøres på en bestemt måte, som fører til det planlagte resultatet. Hvordan produsere tjenester/produkter, generere trafikk, selge noe, fikse og reparere ting eller noe annet. Hvordan virksomheten din tjener penger eller løser disse funksjonene og prosessene knyttet til dette er kjernen i den operative tilknytningen til teamet du bygger.
Et team kan ha en prosess, eller de kan ha 30, alt avhenger av hva teamet skal gjøre. Du har lest mye om hvordan du identifiserer en prosess ovenfor. Men i denne delen må du skissere hva du legger inn i prosessen du skal etablere. Hvilke ressurser trenger denne prosessen for å skje?
Identifiser out-put i prosessene
Videre må du identifisere utgangen. Hva det du legger inn i prosessen vil faktisk produsere av output. Det gjør det mye lettere å følge med på hva jeg snakket om i identifikasjonsdelen.
Når du kartlegger hva prosessen trenger og hva de produserer og får det ned til oversikt. Da er det så mye lettere å se sammenhengen videre i rekkene. For det er svært sjelden man kun har én prosess, med en kunde som kun er klar til å ta i mot sluttproduktet i døra, uten å måtte tenke på noe mer.
Research behov som er i tråd med prosessen
Hva skal til for å få prosessen til å skje. Hva har de å lære fra innsiden? Hvilke ressurser må frigjøres eller legges til rette for å få prosessen til å skje. Hva slags utstyr, programvare, teknologi, systemer må være på plass for å få prosessen til å skje? Hva vil dette koste? Dette er alle spørsmål som må stilles om hva du må ha for å få prosessen til å skje.
Strategisk planlegging og prosess
Når du skal oppnå noe, er det viktig å være bevisst på ressursene du har for å oppnå dette, og hvordan du skal forvalte dem riktig. Organisering som den viktigste blokken for riktig ressursstyring er avgjørende for å bli dyktig til å administrere ressurser på riktig måte. Hvis du ikke gjør det, vil dette være en typisk fallgruve for typiske problemer som likviditetskriser, å gå tom for finansiering eller gå konkurs. Og selvfølgelig også en rot til mindre problemer som HR-relaterte utfordringer, konflikter, manglende kompetanse, haltende prosesser og mye mer.
Generelt er det viktig å forvalte ressursene riktig hele veien i alle blokkene, men det er veldig viktig i denne blokken å få alt på plass. Det er dette brokket som skal drive hele virksomheten. Som nevnt er salg hjertet i oppstarten din. Men denne blokken er motoren som får alt til å skje ved hjelp av gode prosesser, rutiner og opplæring fra automasjonsboka. Du må lære å administrere riktig når du implementerer strategien din.
Ressursplanlegging: Før den strategiske planen endelig kan avtales og implementeres, må lederen(e) sørge for at det vil være tilstrekkelige ressurser tilgjengelig for hver aktivitet på hvert trinn av planen. I realiteten må planleggingen for ressurstilgang ses som et kritisk element i selve planen. Den strategiske planen og målene innenfor den vil ikke bli oppnådd dersom aktivitetene som er nødvendige for å implementere planen ikke støttes av passende ressurser.
Ressursprognose: Det bør utføres en ressursprognose. Alle planlagte aktiviteter, stadier og mål bør analyseres for ressursbehov (ressurser som i listen nedenfor). Dersom prognosen identifiserer områder hvor tilgjengelige eller leverbare ressurser ikke oppfyller de nødvendige nivåene, må dette korrigeres eller planen endres. Når lederen(e) kan være tilfreds med at nødvendige ressurser vil være tilgjengelige, kan planen fullføres og gjennomføres med tillit.
Prioritering av ressurser: Det er fristende å rangere disse ressursene, kanskje ved å argumentere for at menneskelige ressurser, og medfølgende kompetanse og erfaring bør stå høyest på listen, men dette er ikke logisk. Mangel på, eller utilstrekkelige, økonomiske, fysiske eller systemressurser for noen av de mange aktivitetene, eller på et hvilket som helst stadium av planen, kan være like skadelig som å ikke ha de nødvendige menneskelige ressursene. Det er også fristende å tenke på ressurser som bare menneskelige, økonomiske eller fysiske, og også som kun kommer fra interne kilder. Igjen er dette ikke hensiktsmessig, da den strategiske planen trenger støtte fra andre områder, internt og eksternt, som også bør beskrives som ressurser, som systemer, policyer, leverandører, eksterne interessenter.
Organizational infrastructure: The form and complexity of the organizational structure should be designed to serve the strategic direction taken. A structure that is as flexible, dynamic and responsive as possible is crucial. In some business sectors, for example in many parts of the public sector, there will be restrictions and barriers that will dictate a more bureaucratic and rigid structure that limits responsiveness and flexibility. Much of this may be unavoidable, but it should be continually challenged and loosened where possible. In most other sectors, there is no excuse. The leaders of organizations in commercially driven sectors, and this now includes education, health, charities and the tools, must strive to structure their organizations so that they can respond to the rapid pace and continuous changes in today’s business world.
Systemer, retningslinjer, prosedyrer: På funksjonsområder som IT, økonomi, HR og personal, medarbeidersamtaler og belønning, ansettelsesforhold, arbeidsmønster, opplæring og utvikling, skal systemene, retningslinjene og prosedyrene fungere for å understøtte den strategiske planen og tilhørende operative aktiviteter. Et hensiktsmessig styringssystem for kvalitetssikring bør være på plass, styrt av de strategiske målene, som kontinuerlig overvåker kvalitetsstandardene til alle systemene, inkludert dets egne, for å sikre at de ikke hindrer eller skader sjansene for å nå de strategiske målene.
Location: For most organizations, location is not easy to change and will not normally be challenged. But the leader (s) must look at the current location in terms of its strategic suitability. If the location does not support the strategies, at least alternatives must be explored. If moving to a more appropriate location is logistically and financially possible, this relocation should take place as early as possible.
Fysiske ressurser i frontlinjen: For produksjonsorganisasjoner vil dette omfatte produksjonsanlegg, fasiliteter, utstyr og så videre. For serviceorganisasjoner vil dette bety de fysiske ressursene ved salgs- og/eller leveringsstedene. Tilstanden og kapasiteten til fysiske ressurser i disse områdene skal kunne møte de operative kravene som strategiene tilsier.
Støttefunksjoner Fysiske ressurser: For de fleste organisasjoner betyr dette aktivitetsområder som innkjøp, design, forskning og utvikling, administrasjon, økonomi, menneskelige ressurser, vedlikehold, markedsføring, salg, distribusjon og så videre.
Ledere i frontlinjen og støtteområdene må fokusere på å nå de operative målene som utledes av de strategiske planene. Lederen(e) må implementere et system med regelmessige resultatvurderinger og konsultasjoner for å sikre at disse områdene tilføres passende ressurser og drives effektivt.
Vendors: A key resource, but because they are outside the organization, they are often forgotten. The quality of supplies, be it raw materials, equipment, parts, consumables, people or consulting services, is a critical factor for the organization’s capacity. If the input is not of the right quality, costs can rise, damage can be caused, delays can occur, and operation
l the performance of the organization may suffer. In turn, the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals may be delayed or damaged.
Menneskelige ressurser: Spørsmålet som lederen(e) må stille er om kvaliteten, kvantiteten og fordelingen av de menneskelige ressursene i organisasjonen er tilstrekkelig til å tilfredsstille behovene til de valgte strategiene. Eksisterende bemanning, grader av kompetanse og erfaring, fleksibilitet, distribusjon, forutsagt svinn eller omsetning er alle områder som må analyseres. Immaterielle faktorer, som moral, motivasjon, kulturelle holdninger, bør også vurderes. Det skal gjennomføres personalrevisjon, og der det er avdekket mangler eller svakheter skal disse utbedres og bringes opp til nødvendige nivåer.
Økonomiske ressurser: Enkelt sagt må lederen(e) være fornøyd med at finansieringen, kontantstrømmene, budsjettene vil oppfylle kravene til aktivitetene. Om nødvendig, og med rimelighet, må det gis tilleggsfinansiering som knytter dette ressursbehovet til eksterne interessenter som omtalt nedenfor, som banker, aksjonærer og andre investorer.
Markedsføring og distribusjon: Uavhengig av produktet eller tjenesten som tilbys av organisasjonen, er markedsførings- og distribusjonsfunksjonene like viktige, om ikke mer, enn noen annen intern funksjon. Uten inntekter, enten fra kundesalg, subsidier, offentlige midler eller andre kilder, må organisasjonen overtale kjøperen eller leverandøren til å gi inntekter til den. Disse inntektene vil være et kritisk element i de økonomiske ressursene som trengs for å støtte den planlagte aktiviteten, og den fortsatte flyten av disse inntektene må beskyttes. Dette betyr å sikre at selve markedsførings- og distribusjonsfunksjonen er riktig finansiert.
External stakeholders: This group of resource sources includes shareholders, investors and other financing organizations discussed in the section on Financial Resources. These must be managed and informed properly. Other stakeholders may, depending on the nature of the business, include local authorities, public services, local and / or national media, trade unions, local residents, national or international authorities, national or international trade organizations, business partners and so on. Where support from external stakeholders has been identified as important for the success of the strategic plan, efforts and energy should be used to build and maintain a positive relationship with them. Maintaining positive relationships with external stakeholders is important, as they are an important resource for supporting the organization’s strategic direction.
Immaterielle ressurser: Disse inkluderer goodwill, omdømme og merkevarer. Individuelt og samlet kan disse være viktige for å lykkes med den strategiske planen. Goodwill er en verdi gitt til omdømmet, kundelojalitet, merkeverdier og i noen tilfeller det offentlige bildet av organisasjonen. I monetære termer er det forskjellen i salgsverdi, eller total verdi, mellom verdien av materielle eiendeler gitt til virksomheten og den faktiske verdien som en kjøper ville betale eller en investor ville beregne når de bestemmer seg for å investere eller ikke. Omdømme som organisasjonen har blant sine konkurrenter, med sine kunder, i den offentlige psyken, og selv om det er vanskelig å beregne, er også verdifullt. Merker kan være svært verdifulle, som demonstrert av noen av de mest kjente, som genererer umiddelbare positive reaksjoner over hele verden. Disse immaterielle eiendelene er ressurser, med en verdi, som den strategiske planen vil ha vurdert og brukt, eller planlagt å beskytte, eller utvikle, som en del av planen. Forvalteren(e) må sørge for at disse ressursene, disse eiendelene, forvaltes effektivt og støtter den strategiske planen etter hensikten.
Ledelse: Effektiviteten til individene og teamene som utgjør ledelsen av organisasjonen er avgjørende for suksessen til de valgte strategiene. Uten et effektivt ledernettverk som støtter den planlagte aktiviteten og streber etter å nå de strategiske og operasjonelle målene, vil strategiene mislykkes. Som diskutert i en tidligere artikkel, må lederen(e) etablere et effektivt ledernettverk, og sørge for at denne svært verdifulle ressursen i seg selv er riktig ressurssterk.
Den operative staben: Dessverre blir denne ressursen, denne gruppen mennesker, ofte oversett når oppnåelse av strategiske mål diskuteres. Det er feilaktig antatt at mål kan nås så lenge det er godt lederskap, godt lederskap og hensiktsmessige økonomiske og fysiske ressurser på plass. Ikke sant. Med mindre arbeidsstyrken er tilstrekkelig dyktig, erfaren, kvalifisert, kontinuerlig utviklet og forpliktet til å støtte oppnåelsen av de strategiske planene, vil planene mislykkes. Det er avgjørende at de operative ansatte, på alle funksjonsområder, involveres, informeres og overtales til å støtte den strategiske planen. Lederens(e) rolle her er å sørge for at ledergruppen oppnår dette.
Management: Den siste ressursen vi ser på er ledelsen av organisasjonen. Lederens rolle(r) er å lede organisasjonen inn i fremtiden, i en retning og en tilstand som skal sørge for at organisasjonen lykkes. Uansett hvilken retning som velges og uavhengig av suksessmålet, må lederen(e) sørge for at den strategiske planen er tilstrekkelig ressurssterk på hvert trinn og på hvert aktivitetsområde. I tillegg må lederen(e) sørge for at de leder organisasjonen på en hensiktsmessig måte, ved å anvende en hensiktsmessig lederstil for hvert steg på reisen som den strategiske planen leder organisasjonen inn i.
Oppsummert: I begynnelsen av dette avsnittet ble det uttalt at det ikke var logisk å prioritere, eller rangere, ressursene som trengs for å støtte den strategiske planen. Utvalget av ressurser er bredt og mangfoldig, og alle bør behandles som like viktige. Hvert trinn og hvert aktivitetsområde må gis passende ressurser, ellers kan sjansene for at planene blir vellykket implementert bli alvorlig skadet. Det er imidlertid ett unntak fra denne regelen, og det gjelder ledelse. Lederen(e) skal sørge for at planen er ressursmessig forsvarlig og deretter ta ansvar for å være den mest kritiske ressursen av alle. Uten den essensielle ressursen for effektivt lederskap, uansett hvor godt andre ressurser gis og brukes, vil planene mislykkes.
Further, Try to create the steps for the process
Det er ofte ikke like lett å bare begynne å sette sammen prosessene for teamet ditt. De fleste har liksom planen klar i hodet, men når det gjelder å få den ned på papiret. Da står man ofte støtt.
then, Identify the operational elements of the process
Hvem skal ha hvilket ansvar i prosessen? Hvilke systemer og hvilken teknologi som skal brukes i prosessene. I denne delen er det viktig å se på hva som skal til for at prosessene skal skje, og hvem som skal ha ansvaret for de ulike prosessene. Da i første omgang hvilken person selvfølgelig, men husk at det er rollen til denne personen/personene som skal ha denne prosessen en del av ansvaret. Så det er viktig å lage dette lett forståelig, så det er lett å ombord de som skal overta dette ansvaret. Du vil lage et system senere for enklest mulig onboarding av disse stillingene senere.
When you identify all the operational elements that are needed for the process to take place. Including technology and systems that are best for keeping track of the processes to be implemented, you start the implementation of the processes. What you would want to do, is to:
- Implement the process (getting it up and functioning)
- Implementing Lean production in your processes. (making maintenance easier)
How to map a processes?
It is easy to be confused when first introduced to processes. But it is not as complex as most guides try to make it. Processes can be extremely complex with tons of documentation. Luckily this guide aims to make it as easy as possible to build a scalable team with only the total necessary elements to being able to build one. And when it comes to process mapping we make no difference. We have simplified this complex method to make it easy for anyone to access. We simply divide the process mapping into two categories.
- Process mapping – Mapping one process exactly how it is done.
- Process relation mapping – Mapping single processes in relation to each other.
Before we go further on the processes themselves. It is important to understand the use of symbols in the charts and to create a universal understanding of this in the organisation. Everyone use the same symbols and colors in the mappings. The idea here is to use symbols to show different behaviours to make the flow easier to understand. For example decisions, document, database etc. Map out what symbols are relevant for your processes, and take them in use. And remember to not make things more complicated than it need to. Same as it should be as few processes as possible with as few moving parts as possible in an efficient and functioning process. The same goes with symbols, use as few symbols as you can get away with. Smaller organisations manage fine with using for example a normal process slot, start and end, decision and maybe a document or database symbol. The more complex and bigger things get, process mapping and symbols used has to scale up to meet demands. But aim is to keep it simple.
Process mapping flowchart:
- To map single processes specifically how a task is done or problem is solved.
- To devise new projects
- Planning, discussing and documenting processes for problem solving
- As a map for teams to better communicate ideas around problems in structured meeting.
- Workflow analysis and management
- Tool for locating specific issues, innovation and training needs
- Workforce on-boarding
When you draw up a process. Start with the input. What kind of information is placed into the chart that starts this process? You then follow each task, each deciton that completing this task or solving this problem involves. Draw them up in the best way that suits. The process should end with an output. What this process produces. The input and output are important for the process relation to other processes and possibly other process owners.

Relation process mapping
This chart is for seeing processes in relation to each other. The processes in relation to each other, and in relation to others. This way it is easier to get a system for what everyone do in relation to each other in the team. This type of map can be used for seeing the teams relation to other external parts also. For example clients, outsourced tasks or other teams in the organisation that are involved in the processes somehow. Or to define the teams relation to others in a bigger picture.
- When mapping processes as an overview in relation to each other. Where multiple people are involved. A great way to get overview of how value is produced in relation to each other, and who is responsible for what.
- Created a solid overview of roles in relation to each other. Allowing transparent and easy available documentation on whats others do in relation to own role and tasks. A great tool to make universal understanding.
- Client on-boarding
- Process training needs
- To devise new projects
- Planning, discussing and documenting processes for problem solving
- As a map for teams to better communicate ideas around problems in structured meeting.
- Workflow analysis and management
- Tool for locating specific issues, innovation and training needs
When drawing up any process as mentioned earlier the input and output are an essential element to focus on. In this case also you would want to start with the input, often the last process output goes into the input of the next process. So in a relation map, the input comes from somewhere. For example if this relation chart describes a recruitment process related to your talent pipeline. 1. The input would naturally be the qualified LEADS from your leads generating process in the talent pool. 2. And the output would then naturally be a hired candidate, while also also having sorted out candidates. 3. The next process to use this output as an input would be the candidate on-boarding process. The same goes for any other processes you need to implement.
You simply draw up the roles of those involved. It is possible to use any template. You then draw up the processes with symbols you have decided to use in your organisation. And remember as I always mention, keep it as simple as you can get away with, while still keeping the process efficient and functioning. We try to make things easier, not harder by using this method.

How to improve processes?
Process improvements is a central part of using processes as a organisational structure. There are many ways to improve processes. But the most important to understand is to :
- Establish good feedback in your processes. Making it possible to locate problems, bottlenecks and make improvements on the processes.
- Simple methods of measuring and analysing the processes.
We off course focus on the methods you can implement right away to experience improvements in your processes almost instantly when things are done right.
What you want to establish is different feedback loops in the system. Especially on critical elements within the process/ processes.
- Some problems will show up automatically by observing bottlenecks in the workflow that needs to be looked after and improved. Locating the root problem is essential here, often issues is a process design flaw with need of redesigning or splitting the process section into multiple processes. In some cases in might be interpersonal issues, need of training or other issues connected to it.
- Another way to get feedback is the most favourable one to establish. Is to understand that the people working in the process, are the ones who has the best knowledge in and around the process they work on. You will get quality information from your employees if you do things right.
What you want to build into the values and culture as mentioned in chapter 3 is ownership to the roles, tasks and workflow by the people involved. I guess most people would wish that it was as simple as just instructing their team to follow up on the processes, give feedback and really have ownership to what they work on. Unfortunately this effect in people cannot be instructed and enforced with any promising expectations towards involving your team in improvements. But when you have established the culture for ownership towards the vision and tasks involved. You can easily place feedback loops for your system. The way you establish feedback loops, is simply by:
- Off course manage to establish this super important universal understanding of everyones workflow in relation to each other. They do not have to know how others do their task, but to understand what others do in relation to their tasks is important.
- Define clearly roles and who has the authority to implement changes in the processes. Some processes are more critical than others. Defining the level of authority required for changes made is important. This can easily come forward in a process map if this is relevant. What you do not want is people changing things on their own. Changes has to be in relation to the rest of the team, and in some cases across multiple teams or the whole organisation.
- Having a clear training and structure of how employees look for issues in the system they work in. Give employees knowledge about LEAN and the purpose of removing waste in the system. Making people aware of what they look for and why is essential for improvement.
- How precisely they report these issues. If there is vagueness in how to address issues, no one will do. But if you manage to establish ownership to the process and the vision everyone work towards. And a clear and easy process on how to address these issues, only then will you succeed in involving people.
Ok, so let us say you have managed to establish this feedback loop. People take ownership, report back on changes that would make processes better, more efficient. And suggestions in relation to each other. The important thing here is to systemise decisions in relation to this. This is done by:
- Having structured meetings around this. What you want to do when you have these kind of meetings is to gather everyone involved, and do not waste much time connected to it. Use a template where the issues are forwarded clearly, and find a solution to this. Note down what is agreed on. (It is a great idea to make decisions based on data and information available)
- Communicate the changes very clearly, give instructions/ training if changes are made. This is important even for only a one team function. But if you have scaled your team, and have multiple teams working on the same processes. You want to be able to communicate and train people across all the teams. This would be one of the benefits of using processes for scaling. So please take use of it.
When using a template it is important to be structured with the meeting, you do not want these meetings to take lon time. Everyone know the agenda beforehand, come prepared, decisions made are followed up and implemented fast. These are not any major changes, its small tweaking and tuning necessary to constantly improve and and adapt processes towards the contemporary situation. So have clear communication lines and systems for this to everyone involved, and update relevant documentations immediately.
Methods of improving processes:
Lean produksjon er et veldig godt og effektivt konsept for å drive bedrift. Filosofien om å redusere avfall som finnes i en produksjonsbedrift eller en hvilken som helst type bedrift er en god idé. Det vanligste avfallet som trenger oppmerksomhet er: På Engelsk:
- Overproduction
- Waiting time
- Transport
- Treatment
- Inventory
- Motion
- Scratch
Når dette avfallet minimeres, forbedres kvaliteten på produktene eller tjenestene, produksjonstiden og kostnadene ved å produsere varene reduseres. Med dette i tankene går mange bedrifter gjennom lean manufacturing-opplæring for å få mest mulig ut av systemene sine.
Målet med lean manufacturing for enhver virksomhet er å få produksjon og etterspørsel direkte knyttet. Resultatet er en mer effektiv måte å levere varene dine til kunden på fordi du produserer produktet på det tidspunktet kunden ønsker det. Dette oppnås imidlertid bare hvis det er en riktig implementeringsretningslinje for lean manufacturing.
Men til tross for opplæring og retningslinjer har noen selskaper problemer med å implementere slanke produksjonssystemer. Det er ulike årsaker til at man ikke implementerer lean manufacturing-prinsipper i prosjekter. En av dem er vanskeligheten med å forstå den magre produksjonen av sann natur.
The most accepted form of implementation of lean manufacturing is kaizen. Kaizen in Japanese means “improvement”. When implementing lean manufacturing, the quay can be done in large-scale or small-scale projects. The most used kaizen are the blitz arrangements. These are short-term programs launched to immediately improve the production process.
Selv om kaizen er høyt verdsatt som et verdifullt verktøy for å implementere lean manufacturing i en bedrift, er det ikke nok. Hvis en endeløs syklus av kaizen-arrangementer er den eneste formen for magert produksjonsverktøy som brukes, kan selskapet lide. Hvorfor? Fordi flash-arrangementer kan være dyre og kan koste organisasjonen mer penger ved å implementere det.
Det finnes andre implementeringsverktøy for lean manufacturing som en organisasjon kan bruke for å få de forbedringene de ønsker. Det er verdiflyt og prosesskartlegging. Disse to kan effektivt eliminere avfall, og ved å implementere lean manufacturing kan de effektivisere arbeidsprosessene.
Selv om lean manufacturing kan høres enkelt nok ut, er det selskaper som ikke ser på det på den måten. De finner implementeringen av slank produksjon uklar og uklar. Dette betyr at de ikke helt forstår prinsippene for lean manufacturing. Den beste løsningen er å ansette en lean produksjonskonsulent.
Once the consultant has made an assessment of the organization’s problem areas, he can propose the most appropriate projects that will achieve the company’s goals. While the implementing lean manufacturing systems are explained to managers and lean masters, the process of enforcing these systems and plans falls on the shoulders of the latter.
For at selskapet fullt ut skal forstå fordelene ved å implementere slanke produksjonssystemer, må de være villige til å vente. Endring skjer ikke over natten, og det bør forventes en viss motstand fra menneskene som er direkte berørt av implementeringen av slanke produksjonssystemer.
Hvorfor er det motstand når lean manufacturing har som mål å forbedre produksjonskvaliteten i organisasjonen? Enkelt sagt, noen mennesker hater forandring. De har gjort det samme og har vært vant til å gå gjennom rutinen i årevis at det nesten har blitt noe kjent for dem.
I lys av dette bør bedrifter gjøre det et poeng å tydelig forklare endringene i implementeringen av lean manufacturing-systemer. Hvis alt går på skinner for første gang, må det implementerende lean manufacturing-systemet tas i bruk så snart som mulig for å sikre at arbeiderne ikke glemmer den nye prosessen.
Når man implementerer lean manufacturing-systemer som involverer daglig ledelse, er det viktig å merke seg at denne gruppen er den som må ha full forståelse for lean manufacturing-prinsipper. Opplæringen deres må dekke alle disipliner innen lean manufacturing, inkludert planleggings- og implementeringsverktøyene.
Selv om lean manufacturing er et av de beste valgene for å forbedre en virksomhet eller organisasjon, må du være sikker på at virksomheten din passer til denne filosofien. Ikke all implementering av slanke produksjonssystemer kan være bra for virksomheten din, for eksempel overdreven bruk av kaizen-arrangementer.
Når du implementerer slanke produksjonssystemer, er den beste måten å bruke prinsippene på bare ved å ta de elementene som passer din virksomhet. På denne måten sparer du også penger uten å miste verdifulle ressurser.
Kommuniser prosessen
Noe som ofte blir oversett er hvordan du kommuniserer og er med på teamet ditt. Hvordan kommunisere endring for teamet ditt hvis prosessene endres. Kommunikasjon er veldig viktig for oss mennesker, for å bli informert og opplyst om problemer man bekymrer seg for. Kanskje også unødvendig bekymring for potensielle problemer. Å være transparent knyttet til prosessene teammedlemmene er en del av er svært viktig for å skape gode prosesser. Det er i stor grad de som er en stor del av disse prosessene.
Viktigheten av kommunikasjon i endring
Produktiviteten lider nesten alltid i tider med store endringer, fordi stress blant ansatte øker dramatisk på grunn av den universelle frykten for det ukjente. I disse tider blir kommunikasjon viktigere enn noen gang.
Ledende ledere tror ofte oppriktig at de kommuniserer med ansatte når det kommer til problemer som berører dem. Dessverre undervurderer de ofte antallet saker som inkluderer, for faktum er at de fleste vedtak på høyt nivå vil påvirke ansatte på en eller annen måte.
en annen. (Dette er grunnen til at en ny lov nylig trådte i kraft i Storbritannia som tvinger arbeidsgivere til å svare på ansattes spørsmål om eventuelle endringer eller beslutninger som påvirker dem.)
another. (This is why a new law recently came into force in the UK that forces employers to answer employees’ questions about any changes or decisions that affect them.)
So how do you know what’s important to employees and what to tell them? Well, you have to put yourself in the position, the mind, the heart of the employees – one employee at a time. If you were that person, what would you be worried about right now in the current situation? What would be important for you to know? What is the worst thing that can happen and do you want to know about it in advance? How will you be told?
Selvfølgelig kan du ikke svare på disse spørsmålene selv. Du trenger innspill fra menneskene du prøver å forstå. Avhengig av hvor mye du kan diskutere eller hvor mye som allerede er kjent, kan du spørre noen få personer hva vintreet sier og hva folk bekymrer seg og lurer på.
Now, armed with this information, draft the answers to the questions. Of course, they must be truthful answers, because sincerity is easy to recognize and will give a death blow to your communication work. Then they must be put into words that are clear and uncompromising, but also considerate and compassionate. It’s worth spending some time on this part – lack of commitment to your message is also easy to read and will automatically increase the level of cynicism among employees.
Så kommer formidlingen av informasjonen. Det er, som vi alle vet, ingen mangel på kommunikasjonsteknologi i næringslivet. Imidlertid kan måten en person mottar nyheter på dramatisk påvirke hvordan han eller hun føler om det, så du må velge mediet veldig nøye. E-post kan i mange tilfeller oppleves som kald og ufølsom, selv om det er nyttig for rutineoppdateringer som ikke har følelsesmessige overtoner. Noen meldinger snakkes bedre, enten av lederne for gruppene deres eller av administrerende direktør i hele organisasjonen.
Hvis budbringerne ikke har høyt utviklede kommunikasjonsevner, er det verdt å bruke tjenestene til profesjonelle taleforfattere eller presentasjonsveiledere for å hjelpe dem, men vær sikker på at meldingen forblir ærlig, klar og medfølende.
Og fremfor alt, følg dine forpliktelser og løfter. Ingenting skremmer ansatte mer enn tomme ord, men oppriktig, omsorgsfull, kontinuerlig kommunikasjon kan danne grunnlaget for å bygge medarbeiderengasjement når den nåværende uroen tar slutt.
Automatiser prosesser
Prosesser er en måte å automatisere ting på. Men i dette tilfellet må du tenke på hvordan du automatiserer ting du observerer når du implementerer. Det er mange måter å gjøre det på, men den beste måten er å bare gjøre det. Du vet ofte hva som ikke fungerer på dette stadiet.
Å bruke en LEAN-filosofi knyttet til automatisering er ofte hensiktsmessig
Forberedelsene for å automatisere prosessene dine med LEAN-produksjon
Det ser ut til at alle produksjonsbedrifter nå prøver å tilpasse Lean-filosofien. Lean manufacturing har også spredt seg til ikke-produserende industrier. Dessverre forstår mange selskaper ikke helt den sanne betydningen av Lean Manufacturing.
Lean Manufacturing, simply put, is “continuously improving your waste elimination processes”. This sounds simple, but many companies will not be able to become truly Lean because they do not have an environment to implement and maintain Lean.
De fleste tror Lean bare er et sett med verktøy (One Piece Flow, JIT, Kan-Ban, 5S, Six-Sigma, Kaizen Teams, Push / Pull Systems, etc.) som kan brukes til å kutte avfall. Lean er imidlertid ikke bare et sett med verktøy, det er en kultur. Dersom en bedrift har alvorlige problemer med utskifting av ansatte, ansattes moral, produktkvalitet, produktlevering, når på døgnet det er tilgang til utstyr, anleggsrengjøring etc., vil det være ekstremt vanskelig å flytte ansatte til en ny måte å tenke og drive forretning på. Med andre ord, hvis ansatte er i konstant brannslokkingsmodus, vil de ikke være i stand til å implementere Lean riktig.
Løs det åpenbare problemet først
To prepare for Lean, you need to “fix the obvious issues first”. Many times, employers want to know exactly what the problems and solutions are. They just do not have the time, resources or incentive to fix them. If you have a car that constantly breaks down due to a bad gearbox, then fix it! Repair or replace the gearbox. Do not implement a Lean strategy to fix the car. Just fix it. Lean is not used to fix corrupted processes. Lean is used to continuously improve work processes to eliminate waste. Once all the obvious problems have been fixed on the vehicle, it’s time to fine tune it to be more efficient. It’s time to look at ways to cut waste (cost) to save money!
Kort om Six-sigma
Noen selskaper gir nå mandat at Six-Sigma skal brukes til å fikse problemer. Six-Sigma brukes dessverre ikke alltid riktig. Six-Sigma er ment å løse komplekse problemer som har mange variabler som forårsaker variasjon i en prosess, som til slutt forårsaker defekter. Six-Sigma bruker statistikk for å systematisk identifisere hva de ulike variablene gjør i prosessen og peke på potensielle løsninger. Det eliminerer gjetting om hva som forårsaker variasjonene. Igjen, fiks de åpenbare problemene først. Mange problemer må ikke analyseres for å finne løsninger. I mange tilfeller er løsningene åpenbare: det vil si at hvis lyspæren er sprengt, så bytt ut lyspæren.
Vis at du setter pris på dine ansatte
Samfunnet refererer generelt til selskaper som enheter. Vi snakker om IBM, GM og Microsoft som enheter; men de er virkelig grupper av mennesker. GM bygger ikke biler, GM-ansatte bygger biler.
For å utvikle denne kulturen like vellykket som Toyota Corporation har, må bedrifter først innse at de må utvikle, pleie og verdsette sine ansatte. For å bygge en kultur med mennesker som ønsker å kontinuerlig forbedre seg, må folk være engasjert i jobbene sine. De må føle seg verdsatt av selskapet. De trenger å føle at de blir lagt merke til og belønnet for deres bidrag. Til syvende og sist må bedriften verdsette å ha lav medarbeideromsetning for å skape konsistens. Et selskap med høy utskifting av ansatte kan ikke opprettholde et vellykket Lean-miljø.
Promoting this type of environment in today’s business world is not easy. There is low loyalty between US companies and their employees for a number of reasons. Some companies view employees as an expense rather than an asset that can be easily cut. If employees in a company do not feel that the company values them, they will find other jobs. With today’s business world, it is difficult to implement a long-term Lean strategy. Yes, a company can dictate to its employees to use Lean tools to reduce waste, but to maintain that ideology long-term requires a committed, loyal, consistent workforce.
Utvikle og behold gode ledere
Gode ledere er trenere, dårlige ledere er diktatorer. En god leder vil tro på teamkonseptet der hvert medlem av teamet er viktig og hans/hennes meninger verdsettes. En god leder vil verdsette sine ansatte og innse at for at han/hun skal lykkes, må teamet være vellykket. En dårlig barneseng vil diktere sine ansatte, noe som skaper kaos! En god, effektiv forretningsenhet med høy medarbeidermoral vil falle fra hverandre i løpet av uker hvis en dårlig leder har tatt over. Dårlige ledere mislykkes fordi de ikke har sterke lederegenskaper. De mangler menneskelige ferdigheter, kommunikasjonsevner, beslutningstakingsevner og delegeringsferdigheter som trengs for å utvikle og opprettholde effektive team. En sterk leder må selge Lean-strategien og innse at det til syvende og sist er de ansatte som et team som skal få det til.
Tenk og handle i verdensklasse (selv om laget ikke er der ennå!)
Å bli Lean er å bli god på det du gjør, prosessene du har er i stor grad modnet og automatisert. Når du går inn på et kontor/anlegg og du har en dårlig prosess, og uorganisert arbeidsmiljø, så vet du at han/hun ikke har gått inn på et kontor/anlegg som praktiserer lean spesielt vellykket, for å prøve å lære noe nytt triks. Det er ikke nødvendig å se på produktivitetstallene eller analysere noe for å finne ut om det er noe som kan forbedres eller ikke. Hva som kan forbedres og automatiseres av prosessene finnes mest sannsynlig i tankesett og handlinger som allerede er implementert.
Et Lean-anlegg/kontor er grundig organisert. Hver prosess er klart definert via standarder. Produksjonen drives via svært godt synlig ledelse. Et virkelig anlegg/kontor i verdensklasse har disiplinen til å opprettholde organisasjonen.
Ta avgjørelser basert på logikk, ikke politikk
Som oftest gjennomføres beslutninger som tas i ledelsen uten å stille spørsmål, uavhengig av om beslutningene gir mening eller ikke. For mange ganger blir beslutninger tatt av toppledelsen uten å forstå prosessen og problemene fullt ut. Ledere på lavere nivå implementerer til syvende og sist ideer og strategier som ikke er basert på logikk, men politikk. De vil implementere ideer selv om de selv ikke tror på dem. Dette kan skape mange problemer som gjør implementeringen av Lean-strategier vanskelig.
Beslutninger bør tas i hele organisasjonen gjennom effektiv kommunikasjon. Ledelsen bør ikke bare gi et mandat, men selge ideene sine og være åpne for spørsmål og forslag fra ledere på lavere nivåer. Seniorledelsen bør fullt ut forstå problemene og prosessene ved å kommunisere effektivt med ledere på de ulike nivåene. Store avgjørelser når det er mulig bør tas som et team versus et individ.
Kom i form med Lean Manufacturing-teknikker
Alle ønsker å ha en god fysikk og en sunn tilstand. Når hele kroppen fungerer effektivt, sies individet å være sterkt og motstandsdyktig mot sykdom. Å trene kroppen og tone musklene kan oppnå dette.
Denne analogien fungerer i virksomhetsorganisasjonssystemet. Alle avdelinger fungerer som de ulike delene av kroppen. Når en er effektiv og de andre henger etter, fungerer ikke hele enheten på det optimale nivået. Lean produksjonsteknikker kan styrke bedriften ved å redusere svinn og gjøre organisasjonen bedre.
Lean manufacturing er en ledelsesfilosofi som konsentrerer seg om å eliminere avfall og dele opp ressursene til selskapet i avdelinger og forretningsprosjekter som krever den mest umiddelbare oppmerksomheten. De slanke produksjonsteknikkene gir selskapet muligheten til å utnytte en best mulig blanding av alt det beste organisasjonen deres kan tilby.
Det første trinnet i lean manufacturing teknikker er å ansette en lean manufacturing engineering konsulent. Akkurat som i et treningsstudio, ansetter en person en trener for å lære dem den riktige måten å trene, tone og forme kroppen på. På samme måte må bedrifter ansette en konsulent for slanke produksjonsteknikker for å veilede dem om hvordan de kan oppnå null avfall på arbeidsplassen.
Avhengig av konsulenten og tjenestene for slanke produksjonsteknikker de tilbyr, involverer standard opplæringsprosessen lærere, ansatte og klasseromsledere. Konseptene for lean manufacturing må være tydelige for disse menneskene for at de fullt ut skal forstå fordelene ved å strømlinjeforme systemene sine.
Lean manufacturing-teknikker innebærer å analysere de problematiske delene av organisasjonen, inkludert produksjonsavdelingen, foreta en vurdering av den rimeligste, men effektive løsningen og implementere den til organisasjonen.
Methods improving and creating better processes around production
Det finnes ulike typer programmer for lean manufacturing-teknikker tilgjengelig for bedrifter. Noen av disse er:
1.5S – This is a simple and very effective set of sleek production techniques that remove waste from the work environment through better workplace organization, general cleanliness and efficient visual communication.
5S betyr: Sorter, Sorter, Shine, Standardize og Sustain. 5S lean manufacturing teknikker-programmet posisjonerer klart metodene innenfor rammen av prinsippene for lean manufacturing og forbedring av verdier i organisasjonen.
Kjernen i dette 5S lean manufacturing-teknologiprogrammet er at for å oppnå en enkel flyt av produkter eller tjenester i bedriften i små grupper, er det nødvendig med renslighet og et fulgt sett med prosedyrer.
Hoshin Kanri – This kind of lean production techniques make up a cohesive team. It makes employees feel part of the development of the system. Because of this, the smaller units in the company help senior management achieve goals more efficiently as new kaizens are identified and implemented, all in line with the vision and strategy.
Kaizen – This type of lean production techniques are used as part of the system-level approach to improvement. Kaizen Events, also known as Kaizen Blitz, is a focused, more intense short-term project designed to improve the process of a particular department.
Kaizen-arrangementer tar bedrifter vekk fra de tradisjonelle langsiktige prosjektene hvor verdifull tid og penger brukes mer på planlegging i stedet for å gjøre faktiske endringer i bedriften.
Kanban – This is a type of lean production techniques that focus on the traction system of an organization. Kanban represents the visual aspect of the physical storage locations in the retail trade.
Kanban og Supermarkeder jobber hånd i hånd for å etablere og vedlikeholde det interaktive forholdet til produktene fra kunden tilbake til produsenten og til leverandøren/leverandørene. Lean produksjonsteknikker forklarer kanban-planleggingssystemene som gjør det til en mer effektiv måte å lagre varer fra lageret til kjøpsstedet.
Setup reduction (also known as Single Minute Exchange of Die or SMED) – This is a system with lean production technology that is often ignored. When the company does not have standards or sets of procedures to follow at the start of a work activity, time is wasted. Lean manufacturing techniques bend this trait by effectively letting employees get used to a system and then do so frequently for more efficiency.
Det er bare noen få av programmet for magre produksjonsteknikker tilgjengelig for enhver bedrift. Six Sigma-trening, verdistrømskartlegging, leanvurdering, lean-regnskap og standardisering av arbeid er blant annet.
Få en slankere og mer effektiv bedrift ved å gjennomgå slanke produksjonsteknikker. Du vil ikke angre på hvor mange fordeler dette opplæringssystemet kan gjøre for din organisasjon.
Overvåke og forbedre prosessen
Having methods in place to monitor the processes you have established to improve them is very important. A good way to do that is to get your team members involved, the ones who actually run the operations associated with these processes. Getting them involved, training them on this, and giving them the authority to make the changes needed in line with current procedures is a great tool. No one knows what is best in these cases than a good operational team, with the right training on this. So how do you go about improving the processes you have established? There are many methods to do this, but a good method is to focus on small changes you can make that often together make a big difference. Do this by looking for waste in your processes. Working in processes requires less competencies, but to maintain and improve them would need a more engaged team. It would still be more cost efficient. But it is important to understand that to be able to make people engage in your processes and the improvement of them, you will need top lace resources into maintenance of the team. What you do is to establish the related to ownership of the process and the general vision, by implementing this in your culture. Further when this is established getting feedback and improvements on your processes runs fairly automatic. The saying “take care of your employees, and they take care of your business” couldn’t be more true when you make great processes. So what you would want to train them in, and establish relevant knowledge related to the specific process they work on would be:
1. LEAN as a method when creating automation
A lean manufacturing system is a system and philosophy that was first developed by Toyota for its production system. Many manufacturing companies have adopted this system to enjoy the benefits it has to offer.
The name “lean manufacturing system” is a generic term that refers to the principles and theories for disposing of your business for waste. Waste in a lean production system refers to processes that do not increase the value for money for the customer who buys from you.
The principles of lean production system are:
Value – The customer’s willingness to pay for your product.
Value stream – addition to a product or process.
Flow – The movement of your product that is biased to flow or working cells in one piece instead of production lines.
Cover – To have the right amount of materials to produce the product at the same time with little or no stock.
Continuous improvement – Get rid of waste on a constant basis.
For example, if you order a computer over the Internet, it may take a week for your computer to be delivered to you. It will only take a few hours before the technician installs and has the computer ready for use. The reason why it can take a week is because of the different shipping practices used by the company. There may also be bottlenecks in their current production system such as letting the company wait for the necessary materials to arrive which will make you wait the extra days.
Having a slim production system for your business and the application of the various principles can make your order for a new computer shorter. Instead of waiting a week for your computer to be delivered to you, it may only take 24 to 48 hours. The slim production system is designed to give the customer value for money at the lowest price at the least given time.
Another good example of a slim production system is the one-hour glasses. Usually it would take at least 24 hours before glass was made and delivered to the customer, maybe even longer. Many lean principles have been applied to this lean production system. Now you see many glasses in an hour shops from malls to shops near your street.
From the examples above, you might think that the delivery speed is the only advantage a slim production system can give a company. In fact, this is just one of the many benefits of having a lean production system. A slim production system also gets rid of waste while maintaining low costs and at the same time satisfying customers’ needs.
Getting rid of waste and all the useless processes is so crucial to the lean production system that it even has its own concept of “muda”. “Muda” in the lean production system is also a Japanese word for waste.
There are seven types of assessed waste in the production system:
Overproduction – Producing a product that is made faster than what is sold is a waste.
Inventory – A product that needs to be stored is wasted because it ties up money as inventory.
Transport – Moving a part unnecessarily during production is a waste. Can also damage the part.
Correction – Having to inspect, correct your products due to manufacturing defects is a huge waste of time and money. This can be overcome with error checking. This means that the product can only be made that way.
Movement – Difficult movements of the operator can cause different pains on different parts of the body. Making this area better will reduce injury and work injury claims.
Processing – Customer requirements that are not clear to the manufacturer, means that the manufacturer produces various additional programs that are wasted since it will increase the cost of the product.
Waiting – The operator does nothing is wasted. It is okay for the machine to wait for the operator not the other way around.
Elimination of waste through a slim production system thus streamlines your business by doing more with less equipment, capital, space, effort, labor, inventory and time.
Having a lean production system established in a corporate organization can do wonders. This is because while it saves time, money and valuable resources, the company’s production system is improved and becomes more efficient. Other companies admire this trait that having a lean production system can only mean good management.
2. The art of getting the organization to automate
You will have a lot left to realize that the ones you have in your organization are central to making things work. This is not just about training them on the processes that have been set. There is no one better to monitor, improve and make observations about what your company does, than those who are actually on the floor and producing. Whether it is services or products. Having some processes in place to take advantage of it is important:
Create processes for how those who work with different elements in the company should be able to improve things. Either by feedback that is heard, or that they have the authority to make the small “tweeks” on the micro-changes that are to be associated with this. To be able to do this, you must have a system for it. And those involved must have an overall overview of what all the other elements are doing. And what effect it will have on the rest.
Have transparent communication, access to documents and info across the departments you establish. Regardless of size. It is important that everyone knows what everyone is doing and that they are in line with each other when it comes to creating the value that is produced. Have good processes in place for this to happen. In a small business, structured meetings at a fixed time are appropriate (albeit, short meetings where everyone is prepared for their part in line with the processes that are). The purpose is to update the rest of the organization on what is happening.
In a business setting that operates under lean manufacturing principles, it is important that management and employees in the company must have lean manufacturing training. Lean manufacturing is a management principle that almost all companies want to emulate. Lean manufacturing is about reducing waste to make the business more efficient and effective. So no matter the size, or what is produced.
Then there is the interest in creating better processes for how to do things. If you provide a service, the focus here is not as in the production section to “tweeke and tune” to improve the product and the value proposition. But it lies in improving the systems and processes that drive the entire organization. You can see it as upgrading the connections between parts of an engine and at the same time improving and upgrading the engine parts. If you are going to draw a comparison with an engine, which also works on the same principle. These are parts that will work together.
Lean manufacturing training begins with the environment for training managers, consultants, implementers and employees, that they are gathered to learn the concepts, formulate programs and create valuable solutions to the company’s inefficiency. The training consultants for lean manufacturing can ask the staff to divide into teams.
Forming teams in the corporate system is very important in training in lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing philosophy depends on the connection between the units is a large organization and the cause and effect of each person in the unit. When lean manufacturing training begins, the value of having team pride is expressed.
Teams undergoing training in lean manufacturing cover many areas from statistical process control, team building, job skills and root cause analysis. Often during training, many are shy and reserved with their ideas. They lack self-confidence in their work and do not really feel part of anything bigger.
When they have finished training in this type of production, all inhibitions are set aside. Their sleek production training makes them more competent in their jobs as teams and individuals. Giving these people a vision or achievable goals helps to give them pride in themselves and their work.
During the lean manufacturing training, destructive and emotional conflicts during work are turned into constructive brainstorming and problem solving. Lean manufacturing training sharpens managers’ decision-making abilities through case studies. Employees and managers face internal problems face to face, and their training in lean manufacturing encourages them to think outside the box as a whole team when problems arise.
One of the biggest benefits of undergoing lean manufacturing training is the satisfaction of getting the job done. It gives pride to the team that solves it and helps make the company more efficient. By involving the beginning level staff of the leaders to achieve realistic goals set within a time frame, they are encouraged to perform their best.
Another advantage is that the company will earn more from the training in lean manufacturing. With the company’s production processes becoming efficient without sacrificing the quality and quantity of the goods and services, more profits are expected to come in.
Lean manufacturing training also teaches managers how to detect waste in the system. Since zero waste is a must in the implementation of lean production, it is a valuable trait to learn to identify what works and what does not in a department for anyone who wants to climb the corporate ladder.
It’s about being smart and efficient as an individual. Finally, the door of opportunity will open when you have taken the lean manufacturing training to heart.
Lean manufacturing training for the various groups in a company
There are six groups that can be involved in the implementation of the lean manufacturing philosophy in a company. Due to the different level of role in each group, the lean manufacturing training is also different for each of them.
Group management – this group is responsible for establishing the zero-waste culture in all departments. They are the ones that everyone expects to set the standard for exemplary training in lean manufacturing. Because of this, their training covers much of the philosophy of lean manufacturing and how to integrate the principles into the company’s way of operating.
Lean Masters – This is a select group of highly qualified business experts in lean management who are trained to become leaders in advancing lean management plans. They are usually chosen in the company, and their training in lean production is about achieving results.
Intermediate management – this group has the task of identifying opportunities in the company. They must also be able to prioritize which projects need more attention and how to achieve the expected results from the projects. Their lean production training is more focused on the production process of the company.
Lean implementation team – this group is directly responsible for implementing the lean manufacturing tools throughout the organization. Their lean manufacturing training requires that they have a good understanding of the lean tools to meet their directives.
Office support – this group only undergoes training in lean manufacturing when their actions can directly contribute to the success of the lean project. Often they do not have to take the lean manufacturing training.
With training in lean manufacturing, everyone in the company can become a valuable resource. And helps to create a leaner and more efficient workplace, the company can be expected to last for a very long time, which means more jobs and opportunities for promotion to employees.
5. Monitor and make improvements to the team
Maintenance would be an obvious part, that often are seen neglected. One thing in creating a great team, is to focus on the important part of improving and maintaining the processes. But it is at the same time important to understand that:
- Focusing on maintaining your processes are improving your business. Maintaining your employees would be a different sett of skills.
- monitoring and making improvements is more than building bean bags and ping-pong tables, while having team-building focused around fun and games.
In business, it does not matter if you work in a typical office, a shop or a factory. You are made up of a group of individuals with specific goals to produce the goods that the company sells. This is what defines a team. From the most mundane task of answering a phone call, to the most complicated job of designing products, each individual who makes up the team plays an important role. As a whole, each employee works towards a common goal which is to make a profit for the company and for themselves. This is what team building is all about. It is the process of enabling a group of people to reach the common goal. Therefore, it is a good practice for companies to come up with regular team building activities to strengthen the group’s unity and build a sense of solidarity and pride in the work. A company consists of different departments that sometimes cause conflicts of interest and individual differences. Team-building in its right form aims to eliminate these problems.
What you want to do when you maintain your team is to focus on:
- Maintaining and increasing the ability to cooperate. By maintaining the purpose and culture of the organisation or team. Including activities and actions that maintain and builds trust. Trust between team member and team members and leadership/ management. Trust would be the glue that sticks people together. Trust is needed to being able to form and maintain all aspects including the culture of the organisation.
- Improving communication abilities. Avoiding and solving conflict.
- Activities that increase productivity (something we already learned in last chapter)
It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. You will find something that is universal for all teams and organisations to maintain such as trust building, building emphatic intelligence and eliminating doubt related to anything important for employees. And some things really completely on the team and its function, not everyone need to implement for example maintenance of creativity and coming up with new ideas. It totally depends on the need. But there are some essentials that always should be maintained as mentioned. And be sure to align them with the company goals:
What are the company’s main goals?
You all know that you need the job to earn a living and make money for the company. However, not everyone is clear on what the company’s core is all about
Your main focus for team building should be a review of the employee’s briefing on the company’s goals and objectives
If you produce goods, what is the product really about? What message do you want to convey to people as a company?
If you run services, what is your main goal and what service do you actually provide?
By reviewing these goals, a team member will gain a new perspective on the company, which means that they strive harder to achieve the common goal.
What factors caused poor team performance in the past?
Look at the company’s successes and failures. Find out which area needs improvement and look for ways to do it. By looking at the strengths and weaknesses that each member shows, you will know which areas you should improve on. This will also give you an idea of how you can optimize the team’s strengths to achieve the common goal and contribute to the company’s success.
How can you improve the way team members interact?
Even siblings with the same genes make up different personalities. As a team, you are made up of individuals from different cultures, and will have different ideas on how to improve the way your company operates. Friction of any kind is guaranteed since your team is made up of different individuals. Team building aims to avoid this and bridge the gap by coming up with activities that bind the group. Thinking of fun activities to break the ice and adapt the interaction between the members is a great way to start.
How can you improve the team’s ability to solve problems?
Every company faces challenges now and then. One way to create team solidarity is to look at past problems and see how they were solved. Ask each team member how they would have handled the particular problem. This will let a leader know which team member has good problem-solving, analytical and critical thinking skills. Team members can be asked to share ideas and together decide which solution best suits the problem. This is another way to build team solidarity.
How can you create the level of support and trust between team members?
A team leader should have people and leadership qualities. However, it is still important for the leader to gain the trust of his team members. Supporting each other is an important quality that a team should have. Even a simple problem like an employee who does not obey out of sheer contradiction should be investigated. What makes this team member contradict his superior? What can be done to improve his attitude? By building teams, you can find ways to build trust and increase the level of support between colleagues.
How can you use the team building activities in the daily operation of the company?
Finally, after all the activities that the team has performed together, there should be a sharing of experiences and thoughts about what each member has learned about their peers and about the company’s goals. These will raise awareness of how they can further contribute to the company’s success in the future. All in all, team building activities increase team solidarity. It is good to remember that the entire organization is a team that works towards the company’s main goals. After a set of fun and team-building activities that inspire team spirit, each member will have a clear idea of how they can improve their attitudes toward their peers, their superiors, and especially their work.