Å analysere, planlegge og implementere endringer trenger verktøy. Vi har den rette verktøykassen, og kompetansen på hvordan å bruke dem til dine behov.
Det kan være utfordrende å bygge et vellykket team til de oppgavene de er ment til å løse. Kunnskap om mennesker og prosesser hjelper i implementeringen av de rette strategiene.
Kreativitet er ikke bare en lært prosess. Det er like mye en team innsats som en individuell. Det å lake et team som er selv- fungerende og entusiastisk rundt sitt formål. Det å skape en kultur.
Vi jobber etter 3 ulike betalingsplaner utenfor kurs og workshop modellene våre. Disse inkluderer dedikasjon til det du ønsker å løse. Det kan ofte lønne seg å ta kontakt på forhånd for å forhøre deg om vi kan hjelpe deg, eller vise deg videre til andre i nettverket vårt som kanskje kan hjelpe deg. Ser frem mot en hyggelig samtale med deg.
Teamwork functions as any other consulting company. We offer consulting per hour and full or half day specific processes, workshop or other learning outcome. We often use one, and sometimes two instructors depending on the task needed. Our focus is that the service should have a specific learning outcome. And out goal when we are done is that we have left your organisation with useful seeds that will harvest more value long after purchasing our service. We wish to add value, and that everyone enjoy while we do.
We have a few standardised courses on typical topics we see many have an issue with. These courses and workshops are open for anyone. We have these courses to make it possible for even smaller businesses to purchase and enjoy our services by purchasing an open spot at a course they will need for further growth and development. It is possible to book individuals or multiple team members. The course modules gives great opportunity for asking an expert in the field specific questions.
Like any other consulting company selling high value adding services, we would like to talk to you before we proceed a client relationship. We want to make sure that we can add value to you, and would like to know more about your need beforehand.
To get in touch with us we have multiple options:
1. Our contact info to directly come in touch with us is listed at the header on mobile devices and in the contact us section in the main menu.
2. Most of the contact us links on our various pages lead the the contact form. Feel free to send us a message there.
3. If you already been in contact with us, or are absolutely convinced that we have what you search for. We would love to hear more. And you can easily book a free appointment with us in our booking system. You will then get a mail that you can add into your calendar.
We would love to hear from you
Our open courses and workshops are open for anyone, as long as it is open spots. You can easily enrolled at them at the various ways possible thought the main menu at the top. Simply press courses or enrolled courses to be guided to where you can buy a spot.
We have developed e-boks from the ways we work. We sell the books mainly brought our pages. You will easily find a link that leads to where you find out books at the various blog posts we share.
Feel free to contact us for further information. Contact Us