Your team in Norway

Our team development package in a high – end service offered aimed at mainly foreign organisations for development in new, exiting and giving environments. We offer top competence on both the development part, and the organising of the experience itself. We have strong focus on both safety and quality of the programs we offer.

The programs have the possibility to tailor the learning experience after your organisations needs, current issues in the organisation and where your team is aiming at developing towards.. The Norwegian wilderness is a great place to develop both leadership, communication and cooperation. And at the same time offers a great experience your organisation possibly never will forget.

Bringing your team to Norway offers great opportunities for the team to develop while enjoying. We belive that training happens best while you enjoy what your do. And aim to offer just the right amount of challenge for the team to develop the goals of cooperating at their best.


Amazing experience

Building your team not only by methods and tools. By sharing great experiences while enjoying each others company, your team will have memories for life.

Indoor & outdoor

We structure the team building in both indoor and outdoor activities at various locations. Our methods include both theoretical and practical approaches.

Corporate locations

We have focus on just the right amount of challenge that suits all your team members. Where the goal is to master the challenges to achieve the learning outcomes that are implemented in the strategy.

Importance of food

Food is also an important part of feeling wellbeing. The best time to learn is when you feel comfortable and enjoy.

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Rådhusgaten 1, Tønsberg, Norway

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